Drastic solutions to enhance access to credit capital | Finance

by time news

2023-10-22 04:50:22

More than 14,200 ethnic minority households in Quang Tri have access to preferential loans for economic development. (Photo: Nguyen Linh/TTXVN)

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has just signed Official Dispatch No. 990/CD-TTg on continuing to drastically implement solutions to increase access to credit capital, remove difficulties for production and business activities and Carry out state budget collection tasks in 2023.

Official telegram sent to the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam; Minister of Finance; Chairman of the People’s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities, stated clearly:

Recently, the Government and the Prime Minister have issued many Resolutions and documents directing ministries, agencies and localities to drastically implement appropriate and effective solutions to improve accessibility and the economy’s ability to absorb credit capital, resolve difficulties and obstacles, and promote socio-economic recovery and development. However, accessing credit capital is still difficult, credit growth is low, by October 11, 2023 it only reached 6.29%, much lower than the same period in 2022 (11.12%) and operating orientation for the whole year 2023 (14-15%); State budget revenue for 9 months is estimated to reach 75.5% of the yearly estimate.

To promptly remove difficulties and obstacles, clear and promote resources, improve the economy’s ability to access and absorb credit capital, and promote growth associated with maintaining macroeconomic stability. , striving to achieve the highest goals and targets set in the socio-economic development plan and state budget for 2023, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh requested:

The State Bank of Vietnam presides over and coordinates with relevant ministries and agencies to continue to thoroughly research and implement drastically, effectively and promptly the tasks and solutions in Resolution No. 01/NQ- CP dated January 6, 2023 of the Government, Resolutions of regular Government meetings, written directives of Government leaders and legal regulations, closely following market developments to manage monetary policy. dynamic, flexible, timely, effective, with priority given to promoting growth associated with macroeconomic stability, controlling inflation, ensuring major balances of the economy, and safety of the system of credit institutions. use; Operate monetary policy tools: exchange rates, interest rates, money supply… smoothly, synchronously and effectively to continue to remove difficulties and meet the capital needs of the economy as much as possible. economy to promote production and business, create jobs and livelihoods for people.

[Nguồn vốn tín dụng đã chảy mạnh vào các dự án bất động sản]

Manage credit growth reasonably and effectively, strive to achieve the highest possible target set, improve credit quality, direct credit to production and business sectors, priority sectors, growth drivers of the economy (especially investment, consumption, export), credit control for potentially risky areas. Have policies to encourage credit to feasible projects and businesses that serve growth drivers.

Carefully review and implement drastically and effectively the VND 120,000 billion credit program for investors and home buyers of social housing projects, worker housing, renovation and construction projects. rebuilding old apartments and a credit package of 15,000 billion VND for the forestry and fisheries sector; which promotes the key role of state-owned commercial banks and the active and creative participation of banks. Stock Commercial.

Further promote reform of administrative procedures, review and resolutely reduce inappropriate administrative procedures that are costly, troublesome, and increase costs for people. enterprise.

Production of car tires. (Photo: Hong Dat/TTXVN)

Implement solutions drastically, strongly and effectively to create favorable conditions for businesses and people to access credits, improve the economy’s ability to absorb capital, further strengthen bank-enterprise connections; Continue to support and effectively share with customers in difficulty, promoting the recovery of production and business activities.

Guide and create conditions for Social Policy Bank Well implement preferential credit programs for the poor and other policy beneficiaries.

According to functions and authority, urgently review and evaluate the implementation of Circular No. 02/2023/TT-NHNN, Circular No. 03/2023/TT-NHNN, Circular No. 06/2023/TT-NHNN and relevant Circulars and regulatory documents to proactively and promptly review, amend, supplement and promulgate new regulatory documents, especially mechanisms and policies that expire in 2023. , in order to promptly remove practical problems arising in accessing capital of people and businesses, buying and selling corporate bonds of credit institutions, ensuring synchronization, efficiency, and compliance with regulations. actual situation, stability of the monetary market, safety of the system of credit institutions in accordance with the Government’s resolutions, the directions of the Government Leaders and the provisions of law.

Continue to direct credit institutions to review and reduce operating costs, simplify lending procedures and conditions, enhance the application of information technology and digital transformation to further reduce interest rates. loan rate; Deploy appropriate credit packages from commercial banks to support people and businesses to overcome difficulties and boost production and business, focusing on priority areas and growth drivers. growth of the economy; promote the spirit, social responsibility, and business ethics of the credit institution system, be more proactive and active in participating in implementing policies, promotion programs, and economic development plans – society, hunger eradication and poverty reduction, ensuring social security.

The Ministry of Finance presides over and coordinates with ministries, agencies and localities to deploy and operate expansionary fiscal policies in a reasonable, focused, key, effective, synchronous, tight and harmonious manner. with monetary policy to promote investment, especially non-state investment, promote public investment to serve growth, stabilize the macroeconomy, control inflation, and ensure major balances of the economy. international.

Continue to take positive and effective measures to increase revenue and reduce expenses; Solutions for exemption, reduction, extension of taxes, fees, charges and land rent to support people and businesses according to Resolutions of the National Assembly, the Government, and directions of Government Leaders.

Proactively propose solutions for exemption, reduction, and extension of taxes, fees, and charges in 2024, submit to competent authorities for timely consideration and decision.

Drastically implement solutions to strive for state budget revenue in 2023 to exceed the estimate assigned by the National Assembly.

Direct tax and customs authorities to strengthen revenue management, combat revenue loss, combat smuggling, trade fraud and tax evasion; Focus on handling and collecting outstanding tax debts, ensuring correct, complete and timely collection; expand revenue base, especially from e-commerce, food service revenue, night-time economic activities…; Strengthen the application of information technology and digital transformation, especially in tax collection from tourism, dining and entertainment services; Urging timely collection of receivables according to recommendations of inspection, audit and functional agencies; Promote inspection, tax audits, and post-customs clearance audits; Carry out tax refunds quickly, promptly and in accordance with regulations, ensuring the right subjects and legal tax policies.

The People’s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities, based on the Government’s Resolutions and the Prime Minister’s direction, closely coordinate with the State Bank of Vietnam and credit institutions in the area. Implement well solutions to improve access to credit capital for people and businesses, support businesses to develop production and business, and promote economic recovery and growth; Further promote administrative procedure reform, digital transformation, and strengthen administrative discipline in performing public duties.

Closely coordinate with tax and customs authorities to strengthen state budget revenue management, ensure correct and complete collection, timely collection, prevent revenue loss, and handle tax arrears; Proactively propose solutions and organize direction and implementation, striving to exceed the assigned 2023 state budget revenue estimate.

The Government Office monitors and urges ministries, agencies and localities to implement this Official Dispatch./.


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