The BBVA Leonardo Scholarships are 10 years old and 600 projects have been financed

by time news

2023-10-22 09:00:54

Las Leonardo Scholarships 2023, granted by the BBVA Foundation, will make possible the development of 58 new research projects in ten areas of scientific knowledge. The program celebrates a decade in which, with a budget of 22.5 million, it has made the projects of 602 scholarship holders possible.

In this edition, 1,116 applications have applied for the scholarships, which have been evaluated by the 94 experts who have formed part of the ten evaluation committees. The scholarships are aimed at a group that is at a decisive moment in their professional development. They are generally researchers and creators between 30 and 45 years old, an intermediate stage of their careers.

The use of light to develop clean fuelsblocking communication between tumor cells to prevent metastasis in breast cancer, predicting how urban coastal defenses will respond to extreme wave conditions in future climate scenarios, an archaeological expedition to a lost kingdom in Africa or the composition of an opera from the work Poet in New York by García Lorca, are the objectives of some of the projects selected in the call for Leonardo Scholarships in 2023.

The grants cover a wide range of areas of science and culture that include basic sciences; biology and biomedicine; environmental and earth sciences; engineering; computer science and data science; social Sciences; humanities; plastic arts; music and opera; and literary creation and performing arts.

These are individual projects, developed by researchers and creators who are at a decisive moment in their careers, and who will be able, thanks to the Leonardo Scholarship, to develop and manage a personal project with total flexibility. The multidisciplinary approach of the program is also reflected in the projects, in which physics and biology, new technologies and biomedicine and the environment and engineering come together.

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