Gaza-Israel War: towards a major conflict?

by time news

2023-10-22 17:30:00

While Israel’s invasion of Gaza is imminent, dissidence is emerging in the American camp to denounce Washington’s policy which could cause widespread conflict.

More and more voices are being raised to criticize the until now unconditional support of the United States for Israel in its war against Hamas, whose airstrikes have killed more than 3,500 Palestinian civilians. Israel’s invasion of Gaza could cause tens of thousands more. Israel has also cut off water, medicine and electricity in the enclave.

Dissent in the State Department

Biden’s approach to the current crisis in the Middle East is causing growing tensions within the State Department itself. Sources told the Huffington Post that Secretary of State Blinken and his advisers are not interested in expert advice focused on supporting the Israeli operation against the Hamas terrorist group in Gaza.

The HuffPost also learned that State Department officials are preparing a document criticizing the Biden administration’s policy on the war between Hamas and Israel. Such documents are drawn up when there are serious disagreements at critical moments in history. This was the case for the Vietnam War and the Afghanistan War.

The preparation of the dissent document comes as a senior State Department official, Josh Paul, resigned because he could not morally support the actions taken by the United States to support the war effort. ‘Israel.

Towards a global conflagration?

For his part, Thomas Friedman, veteran opinion columnist for New York Times and specialist in the Middle East, fears that the current situation will degenerate in widespread conflict.

He writes: “I believe that if Israel rushes headlong into Gaza now to destroy Hamas – and does so without expressing a clear commitment to seeking a two-state solution with the Palestinian Authority and ending the Jewish settlements deep in the West Bank – he will make a serious mistake that will be devastating for Israeli interests and American interests

He believes it could even spark a global conflagration. Friedman is particularly alarmed that Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition partners are eager to fan the flames in the West Bank. Settlers there killed Palestinian civilians in acts of revenge. He needs these right-wing extremists in his coalition to avoid prison for corruption.

Freidman adds:The hour is late. I have never written such an urgent column before because I have never been more worried about how this situation could spiral out of control in a way that could irreparably harm Israel, irreparably harm American interests, irreparably harm Palestinians, threaten Jews all over the world and destabilize the entire world. I implore Biden to tell the Israelis immediately – for their sake, for the sake of America, for the sake of the Palestinians, for the sake of the world.”

#GazaIsrael #War #major #conflict

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