This is how widow’s pensions will look, according to the Government’s calculations

by time news

2023-10-23 00:51:05

Monday, October 23, 2023, 00:51


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According to the latest data from the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, of the ten million contributory pensions paid, 2.3 are for widows. For one and a half million people, their collection is the main or only source of income and 95.9% of them are women.. The last payment (in September) involved a disbursement of two million euros, which gives an average of 852.83 euros per holder. In the Basque Country, 104,124 people receive it and that average amounts to 1,109.57 euros.

As we have already said, it is a contributory pension, so the right to collect it and the amount in which it is established depend in the first instance on the contribution career of the deceased, a factor to which the economic and personal circumstances of the beneficiary are later added. . In any case, Social Security guarantees some minimum amounts which in 2023 range from 8,306.20 euros per year for people under 60 years of age (593.30 euros per month in fourteen payments) and 12,682.60 euros per year (905.90 euros per month) for those who have family responsibilities.

The amounts change every year, but not in the same way in all cases. That is to say, not all widow’s pensions will be updated based on the CPI; Those that only reach those minimum amounts that we have mentioned will be revalued above the figure set by inflation.

How the widowhood minimums are going to be revalued

The measure is included in the second package of measures of the pension system reform, which contemplates that starting next year some specific benefits (and the minimum widowhood benefits are among them) increase above the CPI until they are equal to the minimum retirement pensions in 2027. This equalization will mean an increase of between 17% and 30% starting next year and over the next four years, until consolidating an increase of between 40 and 126 euros per month in 2027.

On the other hand, pensions that have an amount above the minimum will be updated like the rest of the contributory contributions based on the average CPI between December 2022 and November 2023. Thus, the amounts established for 2023 should be applied within three months an increase that, today, is estimated to be between 3.5% and 4.5%. As it is a right recognized by Law, this increase applies regardless of whether a Government is formed or whether there is a repeat election.

On the other hand, the gender gap supplement will also grow by 10% in 2024, in addition to its annual revaluation according to the CPI. This year, this supplement amounts to 30.40 euros per month (425 euros per year, in 14 payments) for each child up to a maximum of four.

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