11 reasons to come and shake your hips on November 11 – Libération

by time news

2023-10-22 11:57:00

24 Hours of Libération fileThe “24 Hours of Libé”, at the Cité de la Musique, will end on the dancefloor. We have detailed the reasons for attending a program concocted to last until dawn. On November 11, “Libé” takes over the Cité de la Musique in Paris for its 50th anniversary. On the program, debates and meetings to decipher the news, discover behind the scenes of journalism and reflect on the progress of the world. Register here. While waiting for the event, a look back at some articles dedicated to our anniversary and 50 crazy stories that could never have taken place anywhere other than at Libération.

At 50, Libé still doesn’t have a Rolex, because without money, the party is crazier. Considering it a victory to have not only arrived at this canonical age, but also to have survived the deadly boredom of Covid, your great newspaper guzzler obviously turned to the night collectives to organize the dance of his 50th birthday. In a single gesture they become the aesthetic and political avant-garde of the party, noisy, chaotic, inclusive, spectacular, mixed. Their names are Maraboutage, Crystallmess, Yelle, Deena Abdelwahed, and this November 11, they will close the 24 hours of Libé festival at the Cité de la Musique by making us dance until dawn. And with all that, you still haven’t taken your place? What’s wrong with you? What do you mean, you need eleven reasons to come and dance with us on the dancefloor? Come on.

Reason 1. It is in an exceptional place that we will dance, namely the “musical street” of the Cité de la Musique, a wide curved corridor on the ground perfectly suited to the practice of gymnastics. Have you ever twerked upside down in an institutional place subsidized to the tune of 7 million euros by the State? It’s your chance or never.

Reason 2. No member of Yelle will wear neon leggings. Fringed singer Julie Budet and her companion-producer GrandMarnier may have provided one of the most remarkable anthems of the Tecktonik movement with their electro remix of Because of the Boys, they were anything but stuck in their hour of glory. They have matured, their pop with them, and all without losing weight. It is therefore all the more notable: they could still wear slim, but they have chosen to take leave of it.

Reason 3. Paying tribute to the tomb of the unknown soldier is overrated. Recycle these sad flower crowns abandoned to the four winds of Place de l’Etoile and place them on your head. There you are, you are a queen. The Queen of the Night of Libé.

Reason 4. Around half past midnight the greatest collective hypnosis experience of all time will take place: with the sole force of their beats, the great hip swaying teachers from the Maraboutage collective will move the Cité de la musique to Marseille, on the location of the Stade-Vélodrome. If you don’t believe it, you won’t have been there.

Reason 5. Deena Abdelwahed is the best. Electronic music that seeks. Electronic music that makes you dance. Electronic music that makes you think. Electronic music that takes you on a journey – from Tunisia to the Gulf. Electronic music that knows the world. Electronic music that fits you like a glove. Have you ever been turned around like a glove? Come try it and see.

Reason 6. The price, damn it! 25 euros, It’s certainly a little more expensive than a rave party (let’s put a modest veil over your ketamine budget) but you won’t have to endure either the roar of generators or the hell of dry toilets.

Reason 7. On the other side of the Channel, Fatboy Slim’s big festival, All Back To Minehead, will take place, right at the same time. Faced with these hordes of English people dressed as discount Pikachu who will throw themselves dead drunk into the Bristol Channel, we must show that we are up to the task. We may not be the kings of rugby but we are the kings of the third half.

Reason 8. Christelle Oyiri aka Crystallmess is the only artist on the electronic scene who can call herself multidisciplinary without lying. Not only for her plastic works and other installations, but because she gives everything she can, everything she has, with iron discipline whatever the context, the first part of a Frank concert Ocean or a decadent apartment party. Anything can happen when she mixes, a Sonic Youth anthem or a shatta hit from Martinique.

Reason 9. Come play “Where are the critics?” in the crowd and challenge to a jumpstyle competition (or minuet, all tastes are allowed) these awful music journalists who, this evening again, like the rest of the year, impose their tastes on you and crush yours.

Reason 10. There are no bedbugs at the Philharmonie.

Reason 11. In 1993, for its 20th anniversary, Libé organized a party with 6,500 people in the large hall of La Villette and put the tickets on sale at 3615 RAVE. Subsequently, many media (and not necessarily right-wing) criticized the initiative by making ridiculous, paternalistic, hygienic and reactionary speeches about the techno world. Don’t take the risk of finding yourself on the wrong side of history: come.

#reasons #shake #hips #November #Libération

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