The Ukrainian people face the new massacre in Palestine

by time news

2023-10-14 23:30:31

The same fight, the same enemies

By Taras Shevchuk

On October 7, the world was shocked by images of a new outbreak of the conflict in the Gaza Strip. The mass “disinformation” media mainly showed the offensive by Hamas forces, which they unanimously described as “terrorists,” and focused the attention of the cameras and comments on the civilian victims inside Israel. Almost automatically, and in chorus with the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, who promised a “indelible revenge” and unleashed all the fury of its powerful military machine on the population of Gaza, the “leaders” of the Western imperialist powers came out to legitimize for Israel its “right to defense” and the use of all means to crush the “terrorists.” ” of Hamas and destroy Gaza. Thus, behind them, all the puppet governments from the most diverse latitudes came out to repeat their “condemns terrorists who attack innocent victims” and to validate the “right to defense” of Netanyahu, the serial killer of the Palestinian people. That is, everyone defends the real main terrorist: the zionist state.

But from that chorus of lackeys of Western imperialism we want to highlight here the regrettable statements of Volodymir Zelensky, president of Ukraine, a country that is under the imperialist invasion of another murderous regime, such as Putin’s dictatorship. Zelensky He compared the action of the armed Palestinian resistance forces with Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and identified the defense of the State of Israel with the defense of the sovereignty of Ukraine..

We are outraged by such a political and historical aberration. With these statements Zelensky betrays the heroic struggle of his own people. The militants of the LIT-CI are part of the Marxist revolutionary tradition, who have defended the struggle of the Ukrainian people for their national liberation against the Great Russian domination of the tsarist empire, then against the counter-revolutionary Stalinist regime and now against its direct heir, the dictator Putin. We also defend the complete independence of Ukraine from all colonial rule. As part of this same tradition we have condemned the ethnic cleansing suffered by the Palestinian people, orchestrated by English and American imperialism in the 2nd. post-war period, with the complicity of the Stalinist USSR, which resulted in the creation of the colonial enclave of the State of Israel and its regime of apartheid which continued during its 75 years of existence.

The systematic destruction that Ukraine suffers with Russia’s permanent bombings, which cause increasing deaths and hardships, are the same that Gaza and other Palestinian territories have suffered for 75 years. The horror evidenced in Bucha, Kiev region and in Mariupol, port of Donbass are flagrant testimony that the territories occupied by Putin’s hordes are converted into concentration camps, with torture and humiliation only comparable to the Nazi invasion. And the same thing happens in the territories occupied by Zionism. And it has worsened for years in Gaza and the West Bank.

Thus, Zelensky betrays the just Ukrainian resistance against Putin’s genocidal aggression, when it recognizes the Zionist occupier, who massacres the oppressed Palestinian people, their “right to defense”. Dictator Putin also claimed to be “defending Russian speakers” in Donbass to justify his invasion of all of Ukraine! Legitimized with that “right”, the oppressor Netanyahu has already received “urgently” from the USA all the weapons that Ukraine has been asking for for more than a year!

And this betrayal by Zelensky is conscious, because he knows that the Zionist State and the Netanyahu regime have been complicit in Putin’s invasion and occupation of Ukraine. Mossad agents like Yakov Kedmi are invited as experts to Russia’s official channels, to “explain in detail” how best to crush the resistance in the occupied territories of Southeast Ukraine. Ukraine did not receive modern weapons nor does it receive F-16 fighter jets from the US due to the demand of the Zionist State, which in exchange negotiated with Putin that Russia would not provide Iran with the SU-35. And we cannot omit Netanyahu’s frequent visits to Russia while Putin crushed the Syrian revolution to sustain Bashar Al-Assad’s dictatorship. The Israeli premier arrived in Sochi in September 2019 and Moscow in January 2020 to present to Putin the “Plan of the Century” for Israel-Palestine, proposed by Trump that forced the Palestinians to give up more territories in the West Bank. And so we could continue to illustrate the total complicity of official Zionism with Putin, such as the murky actions of the powerful Israeli lobby of Russian origin, whose members – more than a million – reside as “respectable citizens of apartheid.”

It is important to note that for working class Marxist revolutionaries, the fundamental element To define our support for a given struggle it is not only the leadership that leads it, but: the social composition of those who intervene, the demands they raise and the enemies they face. That is why we celebrate the triumph of the struggle of the Afghan people against Yankee imperialism and its allies, despite the reactionary Taliban leadership, we support in the Malvinas the struggle of the Argentine people against the British imperialists, despite the Military Junta that governed , we support the struggle of the Palestinian people against Zionist oppression, despite their petty-bourgeois leaderships, such as Al Fatah and Hamas, and we also put all our forces at the service of the triumph of the resistance of the working people of Ukraine against Russian imperialist aggression, despite of the Ukrainian government, which serves local oligarchs and transnational corporations.

For all these reasons we are convinced that The Ukrainian people and the Palestinian people are brothers in the fight for their liberation. And each achievement of that common struggle will be a triumph for the struggle of all the oppressed in the world.

The triumph of Ukraine’s struggle for national liberation will be the work of its working class.

The Ukrainian working class, which is offering its life and physical integrity to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, asks itself this question every day and night in the trenches and factories: “Why don’t oligarchs and rulers send their children to the front, but rather put them under protection abroad or in some comfortable “administrative service” of the armed forces?”. Just take one scandalous case: That of the head of the National Security Council, Danilov, whose son of military obligation age is in Miami.

And other questions: “Who owns the country we defend? If we sacrifice everything fighting for victory against the occupiers sent by Putin, why should we accept the order and the anti-worker and anti-union laws that the oligarchs, associated with foreign capitalists and the IMF, impose on us from Kiev?

From the LIT-CI in Ukraine we accompany the reflection that gives us the answers: For 20 months we have faced the invading enemy with few weapons and less ammunition. And we have learned to use them and We are demonstrating, above all to ourselves, our right to direct the destinies of the country. A right that capitalists and bureaucrats do not have, who only own the money and properties they have obtained as a product of our exploitation.

#Ukrainian #people #face #massacre #Palestine

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