Bobi: The World’s Oldest Dog, Living a Long and Celebrated Life in Portugal

by time news

Meet Bobi: The World’s Oldest Dog Celebrates 31st Birthday in Portugal

Conqueiros, Portugal – Bobi, a Rafeiro do Alentejo, has become a local legend in the coastal town of Conqueiros as he recently celebrated his 31st birthday, becoming the world’s oldest dog at the time and also the oldest dog ever recorded. The average lifespan for dogs ranges from 10 to 13 years, making Bobi’s milestone all the more remarkable.

Owner Leonel Costa, who was only eight years old when Bobi was born, expressed his amazement at his faithful companion’s longevity. “He has been a warrior all these years. Only he knows how he has managed to hold on,” said Costa.

Throughout his entire life, Bobi consumed only human food, a truly unique diet for a dog. To celebrate his historic birthday, a grand feast was organized for him in May, with a menu consisting of fine meats and exclusive fish.

Bobi’s age was officially verified by several veterinarians and registered in the Portuguese pet database, confirming his status as the world’s oldest dog. The previous record holder was Bluey, an Australian dog who lived until the age of 29 years and five months until his passing in 1939.

In 2018, Bobi faced a health scare when he suddenly collapsed and experienced difficulty breathing. He was promptly admitted to a veterinary clinic, where he received the necessary care. Apart from that incident, Bobi led a “calm and peaceful life,” according to Costa.

Remarkably, long-lived animals seem to run in Costa’s family. Bobi’s mother lived to be 18 years old, and another of the family’s dogs reached the impressive age of 22, as reported by the BBC.

The news of Bobi’s record-breaking age has captivated not only the local community but also the world. Dog lovers around the globe have been inspired by this incredible story, which showcases the remarkable bond between humans and their furry companions.

As Bobi continues to enjoy his golden years, the town of Conqueiros and the global community can’t help but celebrate this remarkable dog’s longevity and the joy he has brought to the lives of those around him.

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