“They usually respond quite well to treatment, and although sometimes you have to monitor its effects, usually within 7 to 10 days they are home,” adds the specialist. Severe cases may require a blood transfusion and admission. Generally, within the few cases that occur, once recovered they do not have subsequent sequelae. Is it always acquired? Methemoglobinemia is not always acquired, but there are also people who are born with higher than normal levels. This is known as “congenital or hereditary methemoglobinemia”, and it can be type 1 or type 2. For both to develop, it is necessary that their parents have transmitted it to them from both parties. In congenital, unlike acquired, methemoglobin levels do not regulate again, making it chronic. • Methemoglobinemia type 1 is mild. Their levels, although high, are not as high as the cases that go to the hospital with symptoms. Therefore, they can lead a normal life; they do not need treatment because they do not usually have symptoms. What does happen to them is that they have cyanosis, which is the bluish color of the skin. Abio Calvete points out that “patients who have it chronically sometimes suffer from aesthetic problems.” • In fact, a characteristic that lets you know if a baby may have congenital methemoglobinemia is its bluish color at birth. Factor that is corroborated with blood tests. With many fewer cases, but more dangerous, is methemoglobinemia type 2. Its impact is greater and causes developmental problems, both at the growth and neurological levels, and frequently causes death in the first years of life. • The hematologist assures that during her career no patient has been found with this type of methemoglobinemia, so, despite being very serious, the percentage of cases is very low. There are other consequences that can cause having blue blood, such as the so-called hemoglobin M disease, which is also mild and hereditary. Prevention It is recommended that you consult a doctor when you have symptoms of this disorder or a family history of methemoglobinemia or hemoglobin M, both for your own diagnosis and if you want to have children. Babies 6 months or younger are more likely to develop methemoglobinemia. Therefore, foods with vegetables that contain high levels of natural nitrates (carrots, beets, spinach…) should be avoided. People who suffer from it hereditarily should avoid all medications and substances that can trigger the condition, just as those with congenital methemoglobinemia should avoid, due to their sensitivity. In short, most cases are acquired and their prognosis is good, and in the case of hereditary cases they usually do not have symptoms beyond cyanosis. Of course, this is not a matter for kings, but for everyone. Candela Hornero – Health and Medicine

by time news

2023-10-23 12:05:21

Although for years it was believed that royalty could have a different coloration, it remained a myth. However, no one is exempt from the fact that their blood may be blue.

Blue blood exists, yes. And not in kings, nobles or aristocrats. For a long time it was believed that “those with blue blood” were royal people, but the reality is that there is no difference in their blood.

It is a term from the Middle Ages that is related to skin tone. Privileged people did not do work in the sun, they protected themselves from it. His white skin, through which his bluish-looking veins could be seen, was different from the darker skin that the working class had due to their long days under the rays. Even though the color of his skin might be different, the color that ran through his veins was the same.

It is also said that this was a myth, and that this idea was actually born as a result of an erroneous translation of texts by the Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus (2nd century). He referred to the emperors and kings of his time with the expression caelesti sanguine ortam, which means “born of heavenly blood.” The word celestial (relating to the sky) gave rise to confusion when it was changed in translations to celeste (a certain type of blue).

Whatever it is, the color of the blood of those who possess a title is the same as those who do not. However, bluish-tinged blood exists, and anyone can have it.

The red color of blood is due to hemoglobin (protein inside red blood cells), which is responsible for transporting oxygen to the body’s tissues and organs. People with blue blood have a type of hemoglobin in their blood, which, for various reasons, does not transport oxygen as well. This causes your blood and parts of your body to turn blue, especially your hands, feet, or mouth (cyanosis).


Mariola Abio Calvete, member of the Erythropathology group of the Spanish Society of Hematology and Hemotherapy (SEHH), explains that the most common way for our blood, or body parts, to turn blue is due to the side effects that certain drugs, substances, or foods, such as: anesthetics, certain antibiotics, and nitrites (used as additives to prevent meats from spoiling).

First of all, the hematologist remembers that these side effects occur in very few cases. And what happens is that these medications or substances can produce an abnormal amount of methemoglobin, which is a form of hemoglobin that at high levels causes difficulty transporting oxygen, which is known as “acquired methemoglobinemia.” “People who take these medications may have side effects suddenly and do not have a specific profile,” says Abio Calvete.

Patients come to the emergency room with a bluish color, difficulty breathing, headache and/or dizziness, and methemoglobin levels higher than 12-15%, when under normal conditions it is less than 2%,” explains the hematologist. To which she adds a reassuring message: “They usually respond quite well to the treatment, and although sometimes you have to monitor its effects, usually within a period of 7 to 10 days they are home,” adds the specialist. Severe cases may require a blood transfusion and admission. Generally, within the few cases that occur, once recovered they do not have subsequent sequelae.

Is it always acquired?

Methemoglobinemia is not always acquired, but there are also people who are born with higher than normal levels. This is known as “congenital or hereditary methemoglobinemia”, and it can be type 1 or type 2. For both to develop, it is necessary that their parents have transmitted it to them from both parties. In congenital, unlike acquired, methemoglobin levels do not regulate again, making it chronic.

Methemoglobinemia type 1 is mild. Their levels, although high, are not as high as the cases that go to the hospital with symptoms. Therefore, they can lead a normal life; they do not need treatment because they do not usually have symptoms. What does happen to them is that they have cyanosis, which is the bluish color of the skin. Abio Calvete points out that “patients who have it chronically sometimes suffer from aesthetic problems.” In fact, a characteristic that lets you know if a baby may have congenital methemoglobinemia is its bluish color at birth. Factor that is corroborated with blood tests. With many fewer cases, but more dangerous, is methemoglobinemia type 2. Its impact is greater and causes developmental problems, both at the growth and neurological levels, and frequently causes death in the first years of life. The hematologist assures that during her career no patient has been found with this type of methemoglobinemia, so, despite being very serious, the percentage of cases is very low. There are other consequences that can cause having blue blood, such as the so-called hemoglobin M disease, which is also mild and hereditary.


It is recommended that you consult a doctor when you have symptoms of this disorder or a family history of methemoglobinemia or hemoglobin M, both for your own diagnosis and if you want to have children.

Babies 6 months or younger are more likely to develop methemoglobinemia. Therefore, foods with vegetables that contain high levels of natural nitrates (carrots, beets, spinach…) should be avoided.

People who suffer from it hereditarily should avoid all medications and substances that can trigger the condition, just as those with congenital methemoglobinemia should avoid, due to their sensitivity.

In short, most cases are acquired and their prognosis is good, and in the case of hereditary cases they usually do not have symptoms beyond cyanosis. Of course, this is not a matter for kings, but for everyone. Candela Hornero

#respond #treatment #monitor #effects #days #home #adds #specialist #Severe #cases #require #blood #transfusion #admission #Generally #cases #occur #recovered #subsequent #sequelae #acquired #Methemoglobinemia #acquired #people #born #higher #normal #levels #congenital #hereditary #methemoglobinemia #type #type #develop #parents #transmitted #parties #congenital #acquired #methemoglobin #levels #regulate #making #chronic #Methemoglobinemia #type #mild #levels #high #high #cases #hospital #symptoms #lead #normal #life #treatment #symptoms #happen #cyanosis #bluish #color #skin #Abio #Calvete #points #patients #chronically #suffer #aesthetic #problems #fact #characteristic #lets #baby #congenital #methemoglobinemia #bluish #color #birth #Factor #corroborated #blood #tests #cases #dangerous #methemoglobinemia #type #impact #greater #developmental #problems #growth #neurological #levels #frequently #death #years #life #hematologist #assures #career #patient #type #methemoglobinemia #percentage #cases #consequences #blue #blood #socalled #hemoglobin #disease #mild #hereditary #Prevention #recommended #consult #doctor #symptoms #disorder #family #history #methemoglobinemia #hemoglobin #diagnosis #children #Babies #months #younger #develop #methemoglobinemia #foods #vegetables #high #levels #natural #nitrates #carrots #beets #spinach.. #avoided #People #suffer #hereditarily #avoid #medications #substances #trigger #condition #congenital #methemoglobinemia #avoid #due #sensitivity #short #cases #acquired #prognosis #good #case #hereditary #cases #symptoms #cyanosis #matter #kings #Candela #Hornero #Health #Medicine

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