Settling accounts at OK Corral

by time news

2023-10-23 18:08:40

EDITED – Of Settling accounts at OK Corralthe film I chose to refer to here in the title, here are the main characters.

The hero, Wyatt Earp, a kind, conscientious and honest sheriff, is played by Burt Lancaster. The other character, also a nice guy, is played by Kirk Douglas: his name is Doc Holliday. He is a professional card player, ex-dentist (a doctor), who could have been Minister of Health (in France or elsewhere), if he was not a bit alcoholic. As for the female characters, which should be included in any good, self-respecting classic American western, these are Laura Bendow, also a professional card player and promised to the sheriff, and Kate (in short). Official fiancée of the ex-dentist, the latter gives herself to his worst enemy, Mr. Ringo, out of romantic spite, I am told in the headset. Actress Rhonda Fleming plays Laura Bendow, and Jo Van Fleet plays Kate.

The story told in the film is authentic, and faithful to reality. The characters of Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday and Kate did exist. Only that of Laura Bendow has been added.

It would have been logical for the Kate in question to beg, you might say, but no. Her real name Mary Katherine Horony Cummings, she was born on November 7, 1849 and died on November 2, 1940. She was an American prostitute of Hungarian origin, and who was better known by her nickname, “Big Nose Kate”. And she was also known as the longtime companion and wife ofDoc Holliday.

Any resemblance to the people and politicians I am going to mention now is entirely coincidental, obviously. Even if guarantor of the Constitution, the President of the Republic is a bit like the sheriff of history but for some also the dentist, given that, according to them, Emmanuel Macron lies like a tooth puller… elsewhere, far be it from me to discredit him, since anyone who equates him here, either with the sheriff or the dentist, will make him a good guy. The hero of the story. The little one, yes, for lack of anything better.

Here it is, the true, 100% authentic story of the Covid crisis. At least if we believe Agnès Buzyn.

After the cherry time, a picking during which the five main actors of this crisis (with Jean-François Delfraissy, president of the Scientific Council at the time, Olivier Véran, Minister of Health, Edouard Philippe, Prime Minister, without forgetting his successor Jean Castex) no longer seemed to be going crazy, now is the time for revelations.

Indeed, I don’t know if you are aware, Agnès Buzyn recently made public the content of the SMS that she sent to Emmanuel Macron and Édouard Philippe at the time of the 2020 municipal elections, to try in vain to alert them on the fact that, according to her, the health seriousness was such that holding this election was pure madness.

Ah that, we would understand unless Madame Buzyn was annoyed, offended at not having been listened to.

Pardi! No one can question his integrity, right? No need to infiltrate Macronie, its members reveal their little secrets to us themselves, and publicly. Why waste time when, as we know, Emmanuel Macron is a man in a hurry? In the same way that the sea ends up restoring the drowned, the truth always ends up resurfacing.

However, “Christian charity obliges”a priest friend whispered to me, “let’s help them to scuttle themselves.”

Let us recall some eminently disturbing facts, which occurred during the Covid crisis, proven, established, proven facts which we can therefore legitimately impute and invoke against, primarily, the President of the Republic and the people who exercised, during this period, the functions of Prime Minister, Minister of Health and government spokesperson.

Starting with the scientific assertions of the President of the Republic on July 12, 2021, assertions whose falsity was scientifically demonstrated by Dr. Peter McCullough in a debriefing on July 14, 2021.

Let’s not forget the “All vaccinated, all protected” so dear to Olivier Véran. It is certain that the effectiveness of these vaccines is such that it was necessary to purchase up to ten doses per person (current series) and impose a vaccination obligation rather than convincing people of the merits of this product with supporting evidence. . That the manufacturer itself saw its responsibility evacuated by the Member States of the European Union. That the president of Pfizer himself declared at one point not to be vaccinated. And then we can also mention the 95% effectiveness of these vaccines which melted like snow in the sun…

Don’t forget the masks either! From the famous: We don’t have one, but it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t work.”, to the obligation to wear them (even children, for hours at school) without any proof of their effectiveness, quite the contrary! Let’s remember what is written by mask manufacturers on their boxes: “Warning: does not protect against viruses

Let us add to this two confinements which were based on apocalyptic estimates (sometimes exceeding reality by a factor of 100) of a certain Neil Ferguson, pseudo-scientist from Imperial College. PCR tests used in mass populations, contrary to what their inventor, Mullis, had indicated, going beyond all statistical considerations, given their margin of error. In addition, excessive amplification cycles were used which would make the sound heard Marseillaise to a deaf person, despite all scientific consideration. Suffice to say that we would even find the virus in a completely sanitized room. No wonder then that false positives distort the statistics…

Also forgotten is the fact that a test is only part of the diagnosis. Without symptoms, how do you know if you are really sick? Never mind, you are statistically positive!

Mind you, politicians also had a lot of trouble with the numbers. It took, thanks to him, an excellent Pierre Chaillot to restore confidence in statistical analysis, he who strived to repeat each analysis to remove the biases, all the biases.

And as for the messages sent by our wonderful ministers, the one that I personally appreciated the most was that of Jean Castex, advising me to drink my coffee, no longer standing at the counter, but seated. And why ? Because the virus was spreading above my head. There, I clearly understood that our Prime Minister was trying to split hairs!

As for the side effects of vaccination which do not exist, let us say that the imagination of our politicians is fertile. They handle lies better than Novak Djokovic his racket. True artists who, like Gérard Majax and Garcimore at the top of their form, make the side effects disappear with their simple words. Side effects so “non-existent” that ONIAM (National Office for Compensation for Medical Accidents) compensated more than 70 victims… for side effects. But no matter: our successive Ministers of Health (Buzyn, Véran, Bourguignon, Braun, Rousseau) remained… absent subscribers. Gérard Majax and Garcimore really did an excellent job. Well done and thank you, they also achieved the historic feat of removing four Ministers of Health in less than two years. It is true that some voices were raised to demand that they be disconnected, or even that their heads fall. And it is not Dr Marty who will object to this, since he asked for heads in his time! But in his case, this obviously cannot be interpreted as a call for murder…

Another element that made me smile was the declaration of Ms. Ratignier-Carbonneil, former director general of the ANSM (National Medicines Safety Agency), during her hearing at the OPECST (Office parliamentary evaluation of scientific and technological choices) in 2022. She, on this occasion, explained that, when signal of adverse effects there is, it can act. So how is it that 71 proven signals, since compensated by ONIAM, are not enough to put in place a product suspension or organize a moratorium?

Let us also not forget the request for mortality data, all causes, by age group and vaccination status, from Laurent Toubiana at the Ministry of Health. The latter, in a brief, claims not to have the data, and cites the fact that this would cause excessive work aimed at disrupting the services of his ministry, which he estimates at 15 days of a full-time equivalent. That’s a budget of around 12,000 euros. It is true that with a budget of barely 222 billion for health insurance, spending 12,000 euros to verify the relevance of a health policy that has cost several billion euros seems really excessive. ..

So I would like to refer you to this article from 2020, on the errors made during the crisis, which already took the time to explain some of them. Professor Perronne is of my opinion. Didn’t he write a book called Is there a mistake they didn’t make?

So as the resistant doctor wrote, certainly vehemently, in a 2020 Covid-19 firefight (diagnosis, treatments, vaccine): panorama of a scam, if it is not a scam, it can be -be negligence or a mark of incompetence. Still, several Ministers of Health have packed their bags with complaints on their backs…

Aurélien Rousseau, the latest, already collects two.

This column also earned me, as director of the publication, a certain number of criticisms, insults as well as fake news live on BFMTV, from Natacha Polony, a journalist that I had to take back: she asserted that the writing of France-Soir was not made up of journalists, while the Minister of Culture at the time had herself requested verification!

Moreover, regarding this column, the resistance doctor and I are updating in order to provide readers with factual information on the ongoing trials, and there are many of them.

The latest, an ordinary complaint brought by the Libre Santé union against influencer doctors. It follows that filed in 2022 by the association against the media.

Gentlemen “influencer specialists”, on TV sets, endorsed by journalists, it might be time to take up the facts, validate them, and probably make a MEA culpa.

Yes, after the story time of these barkers, the time of reckoning has arrived.

#Settling #accounts #Corral

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