Soy and breast cancer, the legume has been “exonerated” –

by time news

2023-10-24 09:15:32

by Eliana Liotta

The Smart Tips column by Eliana Liotta | A belief that has no basis. Indeed, its nutritional value brings it closer to meat and cheese, with the advantage of not having saturated fats

One of the foods with the most controversial reputation is soy. An example is the belief that its consumption can increase the risk of breast cancer. The idea resists, even in the medical environment, but has no basis in the results of the largest and most recent studies on the subject. Indeed, eating beans and soy-based foods and drinks, such as tofu, tempeh, edamame, miso and so-called milk, could protect women not only from breast cancer but also from heart disease. The legume, rich in proteins and micronutrients, has a nutritional value that is similar to that of meat or cheese, with the advantage of not containing saturated fats.

I phytoestrogens

The fear arises from the presence of isoflavones in soy, which are defined as phytoestrogens because they have a chemical structure similar to that of female sexual hormones. Since estrogen is implicated in the progression of some types of cancer, concern has mounted. Among other things, in some animal experiments it had been discovered that high doses of plant estrogens stimulated the growth of cancerous cells, but this relationship has never been demonstrated in human studies.

The river

In early 2021, a survey of Japanese women reached conclusions similar to those of other works: eating soy does not increase the risk of cancer. And in those who have a history of breast cancer? The World Cancer Research Fund’s position, based on observational and clinical data, is that moderate consumption of soy and derivatives (up to three servings per day) does not pose a risk. Indeed, it could reduce the possibility of relapses.


A different matter for the indiscriminate use of food supplements, prescribed above all to alleviate hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause, so much so that the Ministry of Health has set a maximum dose of isoflavones that can be present in the supplements.

* Advice from nutritionist Lucilla Titta, coordinator of the Smartfood program at the IEO-European Institute of Oncology

October 24, 2023 (modified October 24, 2023 | 08:13)

#Soy #breast #cancer #legume #exonerated

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