Globalization (I) – Commerce

by time news

2023-10-24 07:05:00

It can be said that globalization is a phenomenon that involves many spaces of social life and that takes the world as its stage. Its definition has been assumed from multiple disciplines and has resulted in countless labels: “global village”, “world economy”, “amoebic society”, “global Disneyland”, “new Babel”, to “global factory”, “ universal market” or shopping center global.

Where is its closest matrix, given the fact that thinkers like Chesneaux or Wallerstein place it in the 16th century, the beginnings of capitalist expansion and Western modernity? In any case, humanity felt it with all its weight in the mid-20th century and its peak in the fall of the Berlin Wall.

This fact was the most disturbing point in the story. From the “collapse” a series of events were unleashed, among which the fall of Marxism as an active system of ideas and the upheaval of the so-called “welfare state” stand out, which in many cases was dismantled.

The fall of communism brought not only the discredit of real socialism, but also of the ideas of democracy and progress, of the utopias of social and civil liberation; the defeat of the ideal of ending the evil and injustice of history, adhering, at times, to any other notion of solidarity and justice.

The end of the myth of the Revolution and the Great Project had to give rise to a vehement and concrete wave of the ideals of justice – although in practice it was perverted with its absolutization and instrumentalization – but the opposite happened, democracy became a masquerade of populisms that seek power for power’s sake and their revelry in it.

“Civilizational change?” Reality, for the first time, moves faster than our ability to imagine it. The ephemeral is more tangible in the era we live in. A ferocious energy proliferates that moves everything: acts, customs, customs, fashions, politics, culture, economy, from one side to the other, as in a sinister whirlwind.

#Globalization #Commerce

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