An Arab family fortified in Sheikh Jarrah: The IDF was launched

by time news

Photo: Police spokeswoman

In the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood (Sheikh Jarrah), the Salahiya family is being evacuated this morning. It is a house and an adjoining nursery, where the family has lived for 70 years.

The evacuation is part of the arrangement of the houses of the Jews, which the Arabs took over after the War of Independence, when the area was under Jordanian occupation. The Jews who lived there were forced to flee, and the Arabs seized the houses, and lived in them without paying rent. In recent years, legal battles have been waged between the Jewish property owners and their heirs and the Arab tenants, which ignited riots that preceded Operation Wall Guard.

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Police evacuate Sheikh Jarrah (Photo: Reut Maimon)

Fortified on the Roof (Police Spokeswoman)

An evacuation is now underway. On the area where the house and the nursery are located, a school is planned to be built by the Jerusalem Municipality.

The family fortifies themselves on the roof, threatening to blow up a gas cylinder. Troops and special units arrived on the scene to break into the house and evacuate the fortifications.

MK Musi Raz of Meretz was present and said: “The injustice is screaming. Justice for Sheikh Jarrah.

Residents were given the option to hand over the property with consent

The Jerusalem Municipality and the police stated: “This is land that was expropriated by the local authority for the purpose of establishing educational institutions for the benefit of the residents of the neighborhood.

With the arrival of municipal representatives and execution accompanied by police forces, a number of young people began to fortify themselves with a residence with a gas balloon and flammable material and set fire to mattresses instead. A team of police negotiators is working on the spot in front of the fortifications and violators in order to enable the implementation of the judicial order given by the court as a matter of law.

It should be noted that about a year ago, the Jerusalem District Court ordered the family to vacate the land designated for public needs, in favor of establishing a special education school with 18 classrooms and 6 kindergartens, which are supposed to serve the residents of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and their children. Since the ruling, the family has been given countless opportunities to hand over the land by consent, but they have refused to do so, even after repeated extensions, meetings and attempts at dialogue by the Jerusalem municipality. Therefore, the Jerusalem municipality acted this morning as ordered by the court and implemented the orders issued by the court. “

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