Implications of the plea agreement, if signed, on the political system

by time news

The consolation that grips the center-left ministers is that it will take time. If Netanyahu signs a plea deal by the end of the month, government ministers admit, the right will work to form another government in this Knesset. According to them, the process in the Likud to appoint a new chairman is expected to take months. A senior minister estimates, or hopes, that it will take at least eight months. .

The fact that Netanyahu’s presence in the political system is the first building block in the coalition’s infrastructure is well known. Therefore, only the talk of Netanyahu separating from the political system paralyzes the work of the government. Earlier this week, Lapid and Gantz were discriminated against when their plans to approve in the government the establishment of a commission of inquiry into the submarine affair were halted.

Minister Eli Avidar, who spoke with protest activists against Netanyahu on Saturday, was the first to identify the direction the government is going when he said: “.

The scenarios in the Likud

Ministers said this morning that the week would be marked by vigilance and waiting. The government wants to see if Netanyahu signs a deal, and what the software will be, ie whether it will be blocked through him to the government in the coming years. When the government freezes on its guard, what is done in the Likud will determine the way forward. According to one scenario, the chairman of the center, Katz, will head the party until elections are held in the center, and then primaries. In another scenario, Netanyahu will remain at the head of the Likud until the primaries.

The Likud elections the day after Netanyahu, what until recently seemed like a prediction not to come true, are the holy grail of senior officials who have been waiting for the day for many years. Israel Katz, Edelstein, Barkat, Hanegbi, Regev and probably also Ohana and Dichter are expected to participate in the elections. Of all of them, Katz and Barkat predicted months ago where Netanyahu’s face is headed. Katz thought this would happen even earlier, but Barkat, who said that by February Netanyahu would be out of the political system, was right.

For months, Barkat has been presenting flattering polls that place him as the next prime minister, joined by Edelstein, who has announced a confrontation with Netanyahu, and has since plowed the field in search of strongholds of support. In contrast, and others expecting to run, Katz’s optimistic scenario includes elections at the party center (where he gains a significant support base).

In the next stage, the Likud and the coalition estimate, the elected Likud chairman will begin talks to form a government and will work to attach the right, new hope and possibly also blue and white. With more than 65 supporters, the government will go to a “constructive no-confidence” vote.

While right-wing ministers are preparing, too, they say, for the day when they can move on and serve in a right-wing government, Bennett insists on broadcasting business as usual. “For all the various political commentators, along with all the graphs and scenarios – rest assured, the Israeli government is working and continues to work, in quiet and good work, which is done day after day for the citizens of Israel,” he said at the cabinet meeting. In practice, Bennett will not be able to stop the government that will be formed, he will only be able to choose whether to serve as a minister or retire.

Compared to right-wing ministers who can take comfort in forming another government, Meretz has already come out to demonstrate against the plea deal. Faction chairman Michal Rosin addressed the issue: “Plea bargains are the sick evil of the system. The right thing to do in any proceeding is to uphold the law in order for justice and truth to come out … We believed that Netanyahu should be replaced because of his political path, and the corruption to which the country deteriorated. Therefore, we will continue to say no to a plea bargain and no disgraceful settlement. “

Lieberman’s attack

Those who sound very dissatisfied with the deal are Finance Minister Lieberman, who is expected to turn from the strongest man in the coalition to a full-fledged MK. “Where is justice and proportionality?”, News asked in an interview here. “Kirschenbaum was given 10 years for less serious offenses. It is clear that Netanyahu will try to return to politics. We will see a campaign of pressure on the president with a demand to grant him a pardon.”

“Apart from Naftali, no one has an interest in staying in this crazy government,” one of the ministers told Globes, estimating that the first to steer the right out would be Shaked and Elkin. On Monday with the opening of the plenum a 40-signature debate is expected to take place. Netanyahu and Bennett are scheduled to give a speech. This will be Netanyahu’s first opportunity to comment on the deal, and there is no doubt that if he does, Bennett will be required to update his evasive position from the beginning of the week.

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