What is the Harris calculator

by time news

2023-10-24 12:24:32

Before describing what is the harris calculatorwe clarify that although there are more current methods to calculate calorie consumption, this continues to be the most preponderant and, furthermore, free from causing any risk to health, thanks to its always current accuracy.

Therefore, the use of Harris Calorie Calculator It is equally appropriate and even the first suggestion for your own procedure in weight control, suggested by specialists, whom we recommend going to before starting any special diet.

What is the Harris calculator

It is one of the pioneering methods, in equation format, that has the purpose of making known in the most expeditious and reliable way, what is the necessary and focused amount of calories in each metabolism, directly relating it to valuable details such as sex. , weight, age, height and what and how much your physical activity is.

It is used both to begin a regime of establishing ideal weight, to maintain or to reduce weight, basing with this data the information on the number of calories that should be consumed for the desired purpose.

For some specialists, what is good about the Harris calculator is also limited, which is why the supervision of a doctor specializing in nutrition or sports medicine, in addition to general practitioners and internists or gastroenterologists, becomes once again relevant.

This limitation applies to people who are extremely muscular or obese. And the Harris calculator is an equation designed for people of a certain body range and who have a predetermined average relationship, both between muscle mass and fat mass.

But, there are specialists who perform body divisions to bring the results closer and better to those people who believe they are part of the limited sector, thus making it as accurate as possible and so that they do not miss out on the benefits of it, before daring to do so. use any other method.

Operating mode

Now that you are clear about what the Harris calculator is, you can obtain from its description of its operation the basis for understanding it, as long as, as we said, you allow yourself to be assisted by a health specialist.

Taking into account that this calculator is based on 5 different parameters for calculating the recommended and individualized number of calories (sex, height, weight, age and physical activity), the equation proceeds as follows and thus obtain the BMR (Basal Metabolism Rate).

This is the minimum amount of energy each body requires to function. The calculation proceeds like this:

Women’s TMB: 655+(9.6xWeight)+(1.8xHeight)-(4.7xAge)

Men’s TMB: 66+(13.7xWeight) + (5xHeight) – (6.8xAge)

Example in the case of a woman: 655+(9,6×53)+(1,8×161)-(4,7×45) = TMB 1.242

If this woman’s desire is to maintain her current weight, the level of physical activity must be added to the equation:

Little or no exercise – Daily calorie needs = BMR x 1,200 (1,200 x 1,242 = 1,490)

Gentle exercise (1-3 days a week) – Daily calorie needs = BMR x 1.375 (1.375 x 1.242 = 1.707)

Moderate exercise (3-5 days a week) – CDN = BMR x 1,550 (1,550 x 1,242 = 1,925)

Heavy exercise (6-7 days a week) – CDN = BMR x 1.725 (1.725 x 1.242 = 2.142)

Extreme exercise, daily – Daily calories needed = BMR x 1,900 (1,900 x 1,242 = 2,359)

Since the Harris calculator is for the calculation based on, if you do not undertake physical activity, then the main calculation will be (BMR), the number of proteins that you should consume.

If you want to gain weight, you have to increase between 300 to 500 calories (to do it gradually). And if the purpose is to lose weight, you should reduce 500 calories.

Likewise, we emphasize being under the control of a specialist and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle; Not only reduced, maintained or increased intake achieves the desired effects; It requires a stimulated body and constant movement.

#Harris #calculator

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