‘The right to study is not fixed with a voucher or with the market’

by time news

2023-10-25 01:32:21

Massa advocated for “free public education of increasingly better quality”


The candidate for president of Unión por la Patria (UXP) and Minister of Economy, Sergio Massahighlighted this Tuesday the power of “free, quality and inclusive public education as a starting line in equal opportunities” in a society and said that “The right to study is not fixed with a voucher or with the market”in relation to the proposals of his opponent in the runoff, Javier Milei.

In the first public event after the general elections last Sunday, in which Massa achieved first place with 36.68 percent of the votes, the candidate led the inauguration of a technical school in the Buenos Aires municipality of San Miguel which will provide guidance in robotics, knowledge economy and metalworking.

The re-elected local mayor participated in the event Jaime Mendez and the leader Joaquin De la Torre -both from Together for Change- who were greeted by Massa for the efforts made to build the school on land that had previously been private property.

San Miguel is one of the suburban districts where Massa won the presidential election on Sunday, and Together for Change retained the mayor’s office.

Photo: Press.
In his speech, Massa reiterated the need for public investment in education and – in an elliptical reference to his rival for the runoff, Javier Milei – stressed that the “right to study is not fixed with a voucher or with the market, it is fixed with the present State.”

“I doubt that the private sector will come to invest in this neighborhood in a technical school. I doubt that the market will resolve the educational offer that our children need. I don’t know much private offer in technical schools, I would tell you that it is zero“he added, accompanied by the Ministers of Education, Jaime Perczyk, and the Minister of Public Works, Gabriel Katopodis.

The inaugurated building has 4 theoretical classrooms, a large-scale common workshop, two workshops and two divisible laboratories, a machine room and SUM, which will function as a meeting space for the development of collaborative work between the different curricular areas.

In addition, it has covered and uncovered patios, an entrance with a hall, administrative spaces, restrooms, a buffet with a kitchen, a bicycle rack, a park, and parking within the property.

Photo: Press.
“It is with more education that Argentina moves forward and defeats poverty”noted the candidate for President and reiterated the need to train teachers and for teachers to be “in front of the classroom.”

On the other hand, he said that in addition to aiming for secondary, tertiary and university education with “job opportunities” and that thus “they are part of an educational process in which we give them tools for the world to come.”

Massa also highlighted the sending of bill to “increase educational investment by 30%” that will serve to double the number of technical schools and raise the budget of the university system to 1.5 of the product.

In that sense, he said that higher education should aim at “short careers, with job opportunities, with public universities and companies building the human capital” that the country needs.

“We defend Argentina from free, quality, inclusive public education as a starting line in equal opportunities. That a kid from any neighborhood in San Miguel can go out to fight for life with the same tools,” he noted.

Photo: Press.
The country he wants from December 10 is, in his words, one in which “education and work are computers” and that children carry “a computer in their backpack and not a weapon as others propose.” , again in reference to Milei.

The new building is the first in Program 100 Secondary Vocational Education Technical Schoolscarried out by the Ministry of Public Works together with the Ministry of Education (ME) and the National Institute of Technological Education (INET) with an investment of more than 79 billion pesos and another 10 thousand million contributed by the INET for furniture and equipment.

The technical specialties that were prioritized are Agribusiness; Bioeconomy; Buildings; Knowledge economy; Energies; Textile industry; Mining, Automotive mechanics; Metalworking; Wood and furniture; Oil and gas; Technology 4.0; and Telecommunications.

#study #fixed #voucher #market

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