Social Democrats Propose Measures to Combat Gang Criminals’ Care Companies

by time news

Social Democrats in Sweden Propose Measures to Tackle Gang Criminals’ Care Companies

The Social Democrats in Sweden have put forth a committee initiative aimed at cracking down on gang criminals’ care companies. The party wants the Inspectorate for Care and Care (IVO) to thoroughly review entrepreneurs who seek to establish care companies, in an effort to prevent these individuals from engaging in criminal activities.

According to Lena Hallengren, the Social Democrats’ group leader in the Riksdag, gang criminals often obtain their financing through economic crimes such as fraud and welfare crimes, often involving established care companies. Hallengren believes that the best solution is to prevent these individuals from entering the business and obtaining permits.

As part of their proposed measures, the Social Democrats also want to “brand” entrepreneurs who engage in unethical practices, making it impossible for them to start a new business in another municipality or region. This would serve as a deterrent and prevent the spread of criminal activities across different areas.

Additionally, the party aims to increase transparency within care companies, expanding the principle of openness to ensure that there is more accountability and scrutiny in their operations. Hallengren emphasizes that if entrepreneurs are unable to effectively manage tax funds, attend to patients’ needs, or care for the elderly, they should not be allowed to operate within the welfare sector.

The proposal by the Social Democrats comes as part of a wider effort in Sweden to combat organized crime and ensure the integrity of care services. By implementing stricter regulations and thorough screenings, the party hopes to eliminate gang criminals’ influence within the care industry and protect vulnerable individuals in need of aid.

The initiative will be presented by the Social Democrats on Wednesday, serving as an important step towards safeguarding the welfare sector from criminal activities and promoting a safer and more reliable care system for all citizens.

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