The October 2003 coup against the Bolivian people that turned Bolivia into a dictator and Narco-state

by time news

2023-10-23 17:53:00

20 years have passed since October 17, 2003 in which the constitutional president of the Republic of Bolivia Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada and his coalition government were violently overthrown, beginning a process that today presents a country without democracy, without a republic, without respect for the human rights, without sea, without gas, without economy, without security and without sovereignty. The reality of Bolivia and the historical clarification of the facts demonstrate that what 21st century socialism called the “gas war” was a “coup d’état against the Bolivian people” that has turned Bolivia into a dictatorship and narco-state.

The narrative to generate violence aimed at overthrowing the democratic government was to oppose the sale of Bolivian gas to the United States and Mexico passing through Chilean ports, which extended to opposition to selling gas to Chile. In January 2000 they had tried to overthrow President Banzer with the so-called “war of the water” and in February 2003 they had already carried out a coup d’état with an attempted assassination of President Sánchez de Lozada, as proven by the report of the Organization of States. American people.

The 21st century was born with Bolivarian populism with the arrival of Hugo Chávez to the presidency of Venezuela in 1999, who immediately saved the Cuban dictatorship of Fidel Castro that was dying in its special period, only nominally supported by the Sao Paolo Forum. created by Lula da Silva for this purpose. Castro, Chávez and Lula began the 21st century in the Americas by creating the antidemocratic mechanism that they called the Bolivarian movement, the Alba project and then 21st century socialism or Castrochavism, which is only the recreation of Castroism to expand its dictatorships and control of power through crime. organized.

The perfect storm against democracy in Latin America was formed by the aggression with Venezuelan money of the Castro project with Hugo Chávez in command and was integrated by the consequences of the terrorist attack suffered by the United States on September 11, 2001. President George W. Bush and His administration abandoned the state policy that had been implemented since the First Summit of the Americas in 1994, to concentrate actions and resources on the wars against terrorism. Although on September 11, 2001, the Inter-American Democratic Charter was signed in Lima-Peru, the result of the summit process of the Americas, support for democracy, the fight against drug trafficking, against non-Islamic terrorism and the relationship with Latin America declined. drastically leaving the way open to Castro-Chavismo.

In 20 years it has become clear that the overthrow of the president of Bolivia in 2003 would not have occurred without the betrayal of his vice president Carlos Mesa who, after assuming command with his felony, signed amnesty decrees for the overthrowers to allow impunity for Evo Morales and his candidacy for the presidency and promoted the judicialized political persecution of those overthrown. The amnesty is “forgiveness of crimes” and the decrees themselves confess the crimes committed, which include Mesa.

Important studies document and prove the coup d’état and the construction of the Castro-Chavist dictatorship in Bolivia, including the confessions in public speeches of Evo Morales and his accomplices who have claimed the violent overthrow. In his book “The Fall of Goni” Felipe Quispe confesses the coup d’état, his armed equipment and even the assassination attempts he carried out; The academic Hugo Balderrama has just published “Bolivia: from the 2003 coup to the dictatorship/narco-state; The researcher and journalist Emilio Martínez Cardona has published “the 5 Myths of October” where he demonstrates “that the data refute the official story about the gas war”; Very early on, the writer and journalist Cayetano Llovet in his work “Sendas de Libertad” did not offer passages of history that show Mesa’s betrayal or describe the coup.

Bolivia today has more than 260 political prisoners and more than 9,000 exiles with the same methodology as Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, there is no rule of law, there is no separation or independence of powers and a new electoral fraud is being prepared for 2025 based on falsification of the electoral roll with more than 20% ghosts, without impartial authorities, with active functional opposition and control of the press.

In 2003 Bolivia had only 3,000 hectares of illegal coca, today it is around 100,000 because they have converted the federations of coca growers and cocaine producers led by Evo Morales into a political party, the Movement to Socialism MAS, that controls the government, structuring the narco-state. It is a satellite dictatorship of Cuba and Venezuela and by order of the head dictatorship of Cuba it has handed over its lithium reserves to China and Russia and has signed a military pact with Iran, becoming the base of threat to the peace and security of the region.

The Bolivian people have no security, no dollars, no economy, no independence and the conspiracy to destroy the “Bolivian nation” continues. The 2003 coup took power and freedom from the Bolivian people. It was a blow against Bolivia and the Bolivians.

*Lawyer and Political Scientist. Director of the Interamerican Institute forDemocdracy

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#October #coup #Bolivian #people #turned #Bolivia #dictator #Narcostate

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