Wellbeing, career and private life: 80% of workers are dissatisfied

by time news

2023-10-12 12:25:45

One’s work, outside the office, is often spoken of with approximation. Between form and content, we stop at the form: engineer, lawyer, worker, doctor, account, project manager. Professions are evolving, but little is said about work processes, dynamics, how we spend a large part of our time, in short.

Meanwhile, within companies the worker malaise is growing: only one in five perceives well-being and serenity, and 15% clearly state that they feel bad at work. These are the data ofHr Trends & Salary Survey 2023the search for Randstad Professionals in collaboration with theAgostino Gemelli High School of Psychology of the Catholic Universitywhich interviews personnel managers and workers.


The survey highlights first of all a gap in perception: despite a general alignment on the changes underway, the former are not sufficiently aware of the disturbance of the latter. Psychological discomfort (40%), fewer career opportunities (32%) e difficulty reconciling private life and work (31%). These are the main concerns among employees. But the perception of HR is different: according to them, workers are above all worried about salary reduction and difficulties? to face the expenses (38%). Also on the training the understanding is different: HR people believe that the organization pays good attention to training, an aspect in which employees feel little considered (only 20% note it).

The feeling of intolerance is also part of a changed relationship between worker and company: there is a real collapse of the bond with the company and the sense of belonging (indicated by 39% of workers and only 24% of HR ).

From retention to a greater balance between life and work

“The candidates are critical of the absence of interventions to create work environments suitable for well-being and productivity and we also highlight a gap with respect to the actual implementation of strategies to encourage retention and sense of belonging. It is necessary for HR to seek greater coordination with the perception of workers on aspects that have become increasingly relevant, improving communication on strategies and intervention plans”, he explains Caterina Gozzoli, member of the board of the Agostino Gemelli High School of Psychology of the Catholic University.

For almost half of workers (44%) companies do not implement a real retention strategy and, much less, do they try to act by strengthening the sense of belonging. Among the most heartfelt needs, one also stands out greater balance between life and work (in first place in 24% of cases), even more than one adequate salary (10%). There are aspects in which personnel managers and workers essentially agree: the level of flexibility in the management of spaces and actions activated in the company is, for example, still limited for both HR (30%) and candidates (36%).

HR hiring (62%), salaries (54%), staff training (49%) also increased. A vision qualitatively consistent with that of the candidates for whom in 12 months hiring (37%) and – to a lesser extent – training (23%) and salaries (22%) increased. “In the face of varied initiatives by organizations, a sort of disconnect emerges between worthy efforts on the one hand and real benefit on the other. What seems to be missing is a shared hypothesis on what is truly relevant today to be able to do one’s job well (basic condition for being able to feel good at work)”, concludes Gozzoli.

#Wellbeing #career #private #life #workers #dissatisfied

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