Teleworking is greater among white people, women and professionals with higher education

by time news

2023-10-25 13:07:17

According to the institute’s definition, teleworking is a subgroup of remote work in which electronic devices are used


The proportion of people who adopt teleworking in Brazil is higher among women, white people and professionals with completed higher education, indicate data released this Wednesday (25) by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics).

According to the institute’s definition, teleworking is a subgroup of remote work in which electronic devices such as a computer, tablet or telephone are used to carry out work activities in alternative locations to the standard address.

In the fourth quarter of 2022, 7.4 million people had joined this modality in Brazil, whether habitually or occasionally.

The number of teleworkers corresponded to 7.7% of the employed population who were not away from their duties at the time (96.7 million). The analysis considers activities carried out in the private and public sectors.

Among employed women, the proportion who teleworked was 8.7% in the research reference period. Thus, it was above that seen among men (6.8%), says IBGE.

In terms of color or race, adherence to this modality was 11% among white people, higher than the percentages of 5.2% among black people and 4.8% among mixed race people.


The difference was even more pronounced according to education levels. According to IBGE, 23.5% of employed people who had completed higher education had teleworked — that is, almost a quarter of this group.

The proportion was 4.8% among workers with complete secondary education and incomplete higher education, 1.3% among those with complete primary and incomplete secondary education and just 0.6% among those with no education or with incomplete primary education.

The data is part of an unprecedented module of Pnad Contínua (Continuous National Household Sample Survey). The analysis focused on teleworkers and professionals who provide services via apps, such as drivers and delivery people.

There are no comparable data from previous periods. The statistics are considered experimental by IBGE — that is, they are still in the testing phase and under evaluation.


Among economic activities, the institute highlighted the results of the information, communication and financial, real estate, professional and administrative activities. In this sector, teleworking reached more than a quarter of those employed (25.8%). It was the largest proportion of the survey.

The segments most dependent on in-person activities, on the other hand, recorded the lowest adoption of teleworking. These were the cases of domestic services (0%), agriculture, livestock, forestry production, fishing and aquaculture (0.4%), construction (2.5%), accommodation and food (2.8%) and transport, storage and mail (2.8%).


Other information disclosed covers income from work. Among employed people who teleworked, the average monthly income was estimated at R$6,479 in the fourth quarter of 2022.


The amount was 2.7 times greater than that received by the group that had not joined this modality (R$2,398), also on average.

Teleworking, considered the IBGE, is not the preponderant factor for higher income.
According to the agency, the modality brings together occupations associated with higher education and activities that tend to pay more. Issues like these would contribute to higher average earnings.

According to the research methodology, the 7.4 million teleworkers are part of the remote working population. In the fourth quarter of 2022, remote work reached 9.5 million people in total in Brazil, according to IBGE.


This contingent represented 9.8% of employed people who were not away from their work duties at the time (96.7 million).


In addition to the 7.4 million teleworkers, the remote working group also brought together another approximately 2.1 million professionals who worked in alternative locations to the standard, but who did not use equipment such as computers, tablets and cell phones in their activities.
The use of ICT (information and communication technology) devices is a necessary condition for teleworking.

#Teleworking #greater #among #white #people #women #professionals #higher #education

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