the new free Courier service. Over 200 experts available for your questions –

by time news

2023-10-26 07:13:07

by Laura Cuppini

The new free ilMedicoRisponde service is launched: within the platform it is possible to receive authoritative and certified answers, consult the biographies of specialists and read in-depth analyzes by the Corriere Salute editorial team on various topics

When faced with a health problem, people often look online for news or simple comfort. But in many cases we encounter incorrect information, excessive alarmism or bizarre advice with no scientific basis.

ilMedicoRisponde, a new free service on the Corriere della Sera website (you can find it at this link), goes in the opposite direction.

Over 200 specialists answer readers’ questions in 53 subject areas, from allergies to heart health, nutrition, children, the elderly, diabetes, liver, brain and nervous system, rheumatic diseases, tumors and much more. These are the old Corriere Salute forums, in a completely renewed look. Within the platform it is possible to read authoritative and certified answers, the biographies of specialists and in-depth analyzes by the editorial staff. The possibility of asking a question is reserved for adult users registered on the Corriere della Sera website.

Registration is free and does not require a subscription. The answers published by the experts become immediately visible to all readers of ilMedicoRisponde. If a user provides consent to receive updates on the progress of their question, they will be informed via email both when the question is published with the expert’s response and if it is rejected. A question may be discarded because the specialists were unable to process it within 28 days due to the high number of requests, or because it contains personal data, offensive phrases or is not relevant to medical-scientific topics.

All questions sent to ilMedicoRisponde are published anonymously for privacy reasons, which is particularly relevant when dealing with health-related topics. No readers’ personal information visible to the doctor or other users of the service.

The answers are elaborated by the 206 doctors selected by Corriere Salute: excellent specialists who in many cases report to important hospitals, scientific societies and university structures. As happened in the old Corriere Salute forums, all the contents of the column are simple indications published for information purposes and must not replace in any way the advice, diagnosis or treatment recommended by the doctor. Without a doubt, however, Corriere della Sera readers will receive complete, certified answers based on the most recent scientific studies.

The ambition is to represent a safe haven for those seeking information on their own health or that of a family member or friend, avoiding the risk of despairing over nothing or, even worse, underestimating a serious problem that requires the rapid intervention of a specialist.

From the homepage of ilMedicoRisponde you can send your question, scroll through the list of doctors and topics covered. In addition, the Are you looking for something? field. allows you to view only answers relating to a specific theme. The most read questions and the latest ones published are immediately visible. The area dedicated to oncology is very rich, with 18 thematic areas ranging from chemotherapy to psychological support and a simple and intuitive subdivision that includes tumors of the various organs and systems. Finally, in the Children and adolescents section, readers can ask questions about paediatrics, ophthalmology, rare diseases, dermatology and child neuro-psychiatry.

October 26, 2023 (modified October 26, 2023 | 07:12)

#free #Courier #service #experts #questions

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