Minister Benny Gantz: Israel’s Challenges and Strategies for Victory

by time news

Minister Benny Gantz Breaks Silence to Address Israel’s Current Challenge

Minister Benny Gantz, who has stayed silent for several days, finally spoke to the media today (Thursday) during a press briefing. He began his remarks by stating that the State of Israel is now facing a challenge unlike any it has experienced since its establishment. Unlike Prime Minister Netanyahu, Gantz answered questions from journalists, including one from News 12 where he said, “I’m not releasing myself – neither from things that happened nor from things that didn’t happen.”

Gantz emphasized that the country is engaged in a broad campaign that requires responsibility, judgment, and determination. He acknowledged that difficult moments and challenges lie ahead but assured the public that Israel will emerge stronger from both inside and outside.

Regarding his entry into the government and the establishment of the War Cabinet, Gantz claimed that it was the right thing for the State of Israel. He stated that this step has already proven beneficial in terms of political and security conduct and has sent a strong message both internally and externally.

Similar to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s recent address, Gantz also addressed the issue of returning captives and abductees. He reiterated that relentless efforts are being made day and night to bring Israeli citizens home, utilizing every possible means at their disposal. According to Gantz, their return is an integral part of the ongoing war effort.

Gantz emphasized the importance of maintaining international legitimacy and strengthening cooperation with allies, particularly the United States, stating that decisions are made solely based on broader national interests. He also mentioned that the upcoming stages of the campaign will be more intense and that their focus remains on achieving victory and changing the strategic situation in the south, while ensuring the safe return of all captives and abductees.

Looking ahead, Gantz addressed the impending ground maneuver, stating that they are determined to fight terrorism in Gaza within its territory and beyond whenever necessary. He emphasized that this maneuver is part of a larger long-term plan that encompasses security, political, and social aspects and will last for years.

In a separate statement, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who appeared before the cameras yesterday, evaded taking direct responsibility for the surprise attack, stating that investigations will be conducted to determine accountability once the war is over. He also affirmed his cooperation and commitment to achieving the operation’s objectives with the heads of the defense establishment.

Netanyahu asserted that Hamas members are not invincible and that they can be targeted both inside and outside of Gaza. He reassured the public that he is working alongside Defense Minister Galant, Minister Gantz, the Defense Cabinet, the Chief of Staff, and other security heads to realize the goals of the war without political considerations.

Netanyahu also hinted at a ground entry in the future, stating that he will not disclose specific details in order to protect the lives of Israeli soldiers. However, he assured that preparations were underway to ensure the best conditions for the upcoming operations.

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