launch of the physical census of beneficiaries of ONPR services

by time news

2023-10-24 09:03:47
According to Pascal Nyabenda, Director General of the ONPR, this census which was launched in the political capital Gitega aims to know each year, the actual number of beneficiaries of ONPR services, in order to protect the funds of this institution which manages two insurance schemes, namely the pension scheme and the occupational risks scheme.

Pascal Nyabenda also specified that the ONPR affiliates are only state civil servants which currently amount to 98,517 and whose contributions are of the order of 15,547,533,897 BIF. However, according to the Director General of the ONPR, retirements per year are higher than the number of civil servants hired during the same period, which could handicap the pension system in the future. “The ONPR must therefore make investments to face this risk,” suggested Pascal Nyabenda.

The Director of this institution also informed retirees and affiliates of the projects that will soon be implemented in their favor. He cited in particular a study which is underway to see to what extent the ONPR could pay the funeral costs of its affiliates so that they are buried with dignity. He also announced a project to support rabbit breeding for retirees who wish it and who are grouped into cooperatives.

Another project about to be implemented by the ONPR according to Pascal Nyabenda, concerns the construction of a splendid building which will house the services of this institution in the political capital Gitega.

For his part, the Permanent Secretary at the ministry in charge of national solidarity Pontien Hatungimana who launched this activity took this opportunity to recall that social security for state civil servants is a state initiative which aims to reduce poverty for retirees or their dependents. He also specified that this census, which is carried out annually, makes it possible to avoid embezzlement and to give the pension to those who really deserve it. Pontien Hatungimana recalled at the same time that the protection of the funds and assets of affiliates is a task that the ONPR is invited to accomplish on a daily basis.

Finally, the permanent secretary at the ministry in charge of national solidarity invited the ONPR to make investments to replenish its coffers and thus respond without difficulty to the concerns of its affiliates.

It should be noted that this census is taking place in all communes within the country from October 23 to November 4 and will continue in Bujumbura Town Hall at the ONPR headquarters from November 13 to 24, 2023.

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