P. Marinakis: “Daily battle with precision – Every day an additional weapon is added”

by time news

2023-10-26 14:57:17

Government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis, during his introduction to today’s political editors’ briefing, initially referred to the presence of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the Board Meeting. of the European Central Bank held in Athens.

As he said, Mr. Mitsotakis emphasized, among other things, that Greece is currently one of the fastest growing economies in Europe, with increasing employment, a reduction in inequalities and an improvement in public finances, and added that in recent years we have seen a significant improvement in the extroversion of the economy and how open it is, which is a vital factor for a small open economy to prosper within a monetary union. He pointed out that exports have increased from 1/5 of GDP to half of GDP today, while pointing out that it is a variety of exports in goods.

According to the government spokesman, the prime minister referred to the reforms that led to the improvement of the business environment, while emphasizing the importance of political stability that makes our economy an attractive destination for investors. From Ms. Lagarde’s side, as Mr. Marinakis said, it was said that despite the succession of setbacks, the resilience of the country is remarkable.

The government spokesman said that the Prime Minister went to Brussels for the European Council, with the agenda including the revision of the multi-annual fiscal framework 2021-27 that the Prime Minister set at the informal Summit in Granada. Mr. Marinakis said that Mr. Mitsotakis is one of the few European leaders who participated in the Peace Summit in Cairo and will inform his counterparts about it, while he reiterated Greece’s position on Israel’s right to self-defense, distinguishing Hamas from the Palestinian people and for the need to protect civilians and avoid a humanitarian crisis.

He also pointed out that the prime minister announced the expansion of the breast cancer screening program for ages 45-74, which covers 1.3 million women, with free mammography, examination and ultrasound.

“Measures to support the price of electricity”
Mr. Marinakis referred to the support measures for the price of electricity and said that in November the subsidies to household tariffs up to 500 kilowatt hours will be 25 euros per megawatt hour compared to 15 euros the previous month, and the measure concerns 90% of households in Greece. Similar measures are taken for farmers, while next week support measures will be announced for those who heat with electricity.

He emphasized that our country taxed the excess revenues of energy companies by 90% and collected over 370 million euros.

He also referred to the government’s targeting of price reductions on the shelf from 5% to 24%, while he also said that with the Ministry of the Interior’s bill for the selection and evaluation of administrations of public bodies, the continuous evaluation of administrations is foreseen, while the upgrading of requirements for each position is foreseen and, if they do not hit the targets, they will be replaced.

Finally, during his introduction, Mr. Marinakis referred to the recruitment of teachers and drivers at OASA and school lunches. He said that 2,763 general education teachers are being hired as temporary substitutes for the new school year and 150 drivers in OASA with Private Law status for 8 months. Regarding school meals, he said that from October 11 the program is implemented earlier than any other year, and since 2020 the budget has increased by 39% and school units by 35.34% and on the other hand by 17.5% the number of meals in 1,658 schools units for 217,000 students. He also said that the former minister and ND MP Dimitris Avramopoulos will represent the prime minister in Dervitsani, Albania at the unveiling event of the bust of Konstantinos Mitsotakis.

The government representative Pavlos Marinakis, answering a question about the developments in the Spartans party and what will be done, stated that the Justice will be initiated and the proper procedures of the Parliament will be followed. “You realize what K.O.’s attitude will be. of ND”, he continued by pointing out that the fact that the legal framework on which this process was initiated is the law passed by the government is of value. “Let’s remember who voted for him, who didn’t vote for him and who didn’t even bother to defend basic provisions even with a memorandum”, he added.

When asked if the government is considering changes to the existing party funding framework, he replied that if the case proceeds, all individual issues will be examined.

On the subject of wiretapping on the occasion of a new publication, he replied that the case concerns the judiciary as a whole and the government does not comment. “When there is a finding, we will comment,” he said.

“Finding out which journalists may be engaging with anonymous profiles”
Asked about PASOK’s request to give explanations, N.D. and SYRIZA about the digital parastatal and about what Mr. Polakis said about the army of the N.D. online with the Truth Group, Mr. Marinakis replied that the government has no business getting involved in the conflicts and intra-party fires in the official opposition party, but in this context something very serious emerged.

“This is a major issue that many of us, not just politicians, have faced and it is the muck of the internet. We all understood what was going on, mass attacks, character assassination attempts, personal attacks on politicians’ spouses, whole parties being identified with the most heinous crimes, vulgar hashtags. And here comes a former party secretary, Mr. Skourletis, who said something very serious that implicates the former prime minister and former president of SYRIZA. It is very serious, it concerns SYRIZA. Find out which journalists may be involved with anonymous profiles. And ESIEA must take a position, it’s not something we can ignore”, continued Mr. Marinakis.

At the same time, he said that “the attempt to offset or equal distances with a page that criticizes and reproduces things that should be reproduced is misguided”.

Regarding the criticism of the president of SYRIZA to the government for the new way of selecting hospital administrations and to the prime minister, whom he called the “Kolokotronis of the NHS”, the government representative invited Mr. Kasselakis to answer what he wants. Mr. Marinakis noted that these are self-evident things and the discussion should be how they will be implemented, while regarding Mr. Kasselakis’ description of the prime minister, he said that it is completely wrong.

“The government’s main priority is to increase citizens’ income”
Asked to comment on Nikitas Kaklamanis’ position that in order to be used in a government position, one must have served for a while in PASOK, Mr. Marinakis replied that he himself has been in ND since he was very young, which, he stressed, is based on principles and its values, but it has also made significant expansions that have brought results with respect to its base.

Regarding the battle with accuracy, Mr. Marinakis stated that it is daily and every day an additional “weapon” is added, while one of the main priorities is the intensification of controls. “Let’s not forget that the government’s main priority is to increase citizens’ income,” he added.

Regarding the position of the former Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis on the Middle East and whether it is on a different wavelength from the government’s positions, Mr. Marinakis expressed his absolute respect for the former Prime Minister. He also said that Greece’s position is firm on this issue. “Does not change. We stand in solidarity with the people of Israel and their right to self-defense, respecting international law and humanitarian law, separating Hamas from Palestine and protecting civilians. We believe in the two-state solution, as described by the prime minister and it has always been the country’s position”, he added, while regarding what the former prime minister said about the issue of German reparations, he replied that he has nothing more or different to say than what he have been said.

Source: RES-MPE

#Marinakis #Daily #battle #precision #day #additional #weapon #added

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