Uruguay: Demonstration in support of the Palestinian people

by time news

2023-10-25 14:01:29

Last Friday, October 20, a large internationalist mobilization was held in Montevideo against the genocide being carried out by the Zionist State of Israel in Palestine. What we are witnessing is not a war, it is a huge massacre of civilians in the Gaza Strip. Faced with this, thousands of people marched along 18 de Julio Avenue denouncing the crimes being perpetrated by the government of Benjamin Netanyahu, which is bombing hospitals, refugee camps, cutting off the supply of water, electricity and the entry of food throughout the entire city. population in Gaza. The Zionists of Israel in this criminal action have the explicit support of the United States and the vast majority of European States.

By IST- Uruguay

In our country, the government of Lacalle Pou, which rushed out to support Israel on October 7, maintains a complicit silence about the genocide suffered by the people of Palestine. For this reason, from the box raised in Plaza Independencia on the day of the mobilization, it was demanded that the government condemn the massacre carried out by Israel and break all diplomatic ties with that country.

“It is not a war, it is a genocide.”

That slogan chanted by the thousands of people who marched last Friday is a reflection of the history of harassment, massacres and expulsion from their lands that the Palestinian people have been suffering since the artificial state called Israel was imposed on them in 1948. The usurpation of the Palestinian lands meant the dispossession of their lands taken by blood and fire, to carry out the installation of a strategic military enclave through which imperialism permanently controls and harasses the Middle East.

The socialists of IST stand with the Palestinian people, who have been oppressed for more than 75 years. The massacre and expulsion suffered in 1948 by Palestinians at the hands of Zionism, which is remembered as Nakba, a word that means catastrophe in Arabic, evokes the expulsion of at least 750,000 Palestinians expelled from their homes for the creation of the State of Israel. In 1967, the “six-day war” took place, where Israel annexed the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, Judea and the Golan Heights. Since then, Israeli Zionism has condemned the population of the Gaza Strip to live in what is known as the largest open-air prison in the world.

For decades the so-called “Israeli settlers” have been advancing and continuing with the occupation of Palestinian lands. This is a permanent provocation, which is not at all “peaceful” and is accompanied by murders and expulsion of Palestinian families from their homes, thus expanding Israel’s control. The so-called “wild colonies” of Zionists have been tolerated and covered up by successive governments in Israel and in February of this year the far-right Benjamin Netanyahu authorized nine new “outposts” of Jewish settlers in the West Bank. This is the historical framework that explains what happened after October 7.

Against the oppressor together with the oppressed people of Palestine

From IST and the LIT CI we are on the side of the Palestinian people and we declare that the only solution to the conflict is the return of all the lands stolen in 1948 and the creation of a secular, democratic and non-racist Palestine. For a Palestine free from the river to the sea.

For solidarity with the Palestinian people

Let us condemn the genocide carried out by Israel

By breaking all diplomatic relations with the Zionist state

Let us deepen the mobilization in support of the Palestinian people

Published in ist.uy October 23, 2023

#Uruguay #Demonstration #support #Palestinian #people

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