5 tips to make it easier to collect home insurance due to natural phenomena – UnoTV

by time news

2023-10-26 20:13:05
Five tips to make it easier to collect home insurance. Photo: Freepik

If you have a home insurance and due to a strong storm or hurricane your home suffered flood damage, there is cinco tips what you should take into account to make it easier for you to collect home insurance for natural phenomena.

The National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef) points out that Payment of a claim is the obligation of insurersbut the policy will be valid as long as the insured takes care of five details to completely guarantee the desired protection in home insurance.

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1. Exact risk declaration

If you want to insure your casacheck out that the risks that your assets may suffer are exact. Together with your insurer’s advisor, review all the details within the policy, such as the area where the home is locatedlos possible damage that could affect the structure of your assets and If you consider the loss of household goodsamong others.

2. Timely payment of premium cost

It is a fundamental obligation that you must fulfill when purchasing a home insurancegiven that in case you don’t make your payments or do not give timely notice of the desire to renew it, you could risk the insurance company in case of a possible natural disaster does not cover damage costs.

3. Comply with the risk status report

For some types of insurance, once the contract is signed with the insurer, a report on the status of the risk that the insurer has agreed to cover. This document can work as a proof at the time of an accident. Reporting changes to a property will help when requesting compensation for an accident.

4. Observe written guarantees

Remember that before signing a contract, you must read, understand and confirm each of the specifications of your policy, in order to match the conditions specified therein. Check the “fine print” in the contracts and review the general conditions that accompany it.

5. Give notice about the status of the incident

When an accident occurs, submit a clear and complete report of damages to the insurer and it must be immediately or at the latest within 5 days after becoming aware of the occurrence of the incident, since it will depend on this whether the compensation claim process is completed fully and without setbacks.

What does home insurance cover?

Electronics: short circuits that may be caused by rain, or in the event that water damages household appliances, television, computers.Damage repair: in the event that your house is damaged in its structure, the insurance covers the damage as well as glass of any thickness, even domes or covers, in addition to their installationFacility repair: if your home suffers damage to electricity, gas and water services. Buy doors: in case the wind speed is too strong or water has damaged them.Repair of floors and details: The insurance covers the waterproofing of your home and the painting of the walls, if they suffered any damage; In case your floor has been affected, it is also repairedDebris removal and reconstruction: the cleaning necessary so that your affected assets are in condition to be repaired

What doesn’t home insurance cover?

Replacement or repair of gardens or plantsReplacement of furniture located outside the houseProperties with plastic or fabric roofs or wallsAdditional expenses that are not included in the insurance

Finally, as an insured you have the option of using other quotes, which to a certain extent must coincide with the assessment made of the incident. Review and read carefully the causes of non-payment in your policywhich are established in the general conditions as “exclusions”.

And before all of the above, return to your house until you are sure that it does not exist risk of more flooding or until the authorities indicate it.

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