Map: has the supply of rental apartments fallen five months after the approval of the Housing Law?

by time news

2023-10-28 09:34:19

The Housing Law completes its first five months. Although the draft was approved by the Council of Ministers on February 1, 2022, it did not receive the approval of Congress until April 27 of this year and did not come into force until May 26, the day it was published in the Bulletin State Official (BOE).

The new regulation includes price caps In those rental areas that are declared stressed, safety measures protection to evictions, limitations on large landlords and empty houses, in addition to a boost to public housing. The law I didn’t like it inside real estate for being excessively interventionistpredicting an opposite effect, exacerbating the already existing accessibility problems.

The execution of part of the measures contemplated in the standard It depends on the autonomous communities or town councils. All the administrations where the Popular Party governs announced that they would not apply it within their powers. At the moment, only Catalonia has sent a letter to the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA) requesting to declare 140 municipalities in the region a tension zone. Therefore, and for now, The market journey of the new regulation has been limited.

5 months after its entry into force, the Housing Law Has it resulted in a drop in the supply of apartments for rent? According to data from the real estate data platform Fragua, created by the firm Atlas Real Estate Analytics, the housing supply in the rental market has remained stable. practically unchanged in the last 150 days, with a slight increase of less than 1% of the available stock. In the last six months, according to Fragua, a stable number of rental properties has remained between 90,000 and 100,000 nationwide.

Analyzing by provincial capital, including the two autonomous cities, Ceuta and Melilla, the availability of housing goes down and up in the same number of cities, at 26 each. The map does not show a regional trend either, showing disparate data in each of the cities. A priori, landlords have not aggressively withdrawn their homes from the market after the approval of the Housing Law.

In which provincial capitals are there fewer houses available and in which more?

In the six largest Spanish cities by population there is a slight trend towards a fall in available stock: In Madrid, Zaragoza and Seville the supply has been reduced by 37%, 28% and 22%, respectively, the number of houses pending rent; while in Barcelona and Valencia the numbers have remained flat in recent months. Only in Malaga, availability grows, specifically by 45%.

In addition to the previous capitals, the supply of apartments for rent has fallen in Oviedo (-34%), Castellon (-31%), Bilbao (-28%), Salamanca (-27%), Burgos (-26%), Valladolid (-26%), Lleida (-26%), Lugo (-24%), Granada (-22%), A Coruña (-20%), Palencia (-17%), Ciudad Real (-16%), Las Palmas (-15%), Guadalajara (-15%), Palma de Mallorca (-12%), Badajoz (-10%), Ávila (-9% ), Vitoria (-8%) and San Sebastián (-8%). Availability has remained practically unchanged, with increases or decreases of 5%, in Albacete, Ceuta, Córdoba, Huesca, Logroño, Melilla, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Toledo and Zamora.

The city in Spain where the availability to rent an apartment has increased the most is Soria, that there are 1.74 times more homes announced than five months ago, according to Fragua by Atlas Real Estate. The number of apartments that can be rented in Almería (71%), Cuenca (70%), Teruel (56%) or Pontevedra (54%) has also grown, in addition to the aforementioned Málaga.

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