The message from the Chief of the General Staff to Israel: “The road will be long, but we will win”

by time news

2023-10-28 19:20:22

He Chief of the General Staff of the Israeli army, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevihas recorded a video of only a few minutes in which he explains the objectives of the war –dismantle Hamassecure borders and return the kidnapped to their homes – has explained that “the road will be long” but there will be a victory and has warned that the Defense Forces (IDF) are prepared for “any scenario” regionally and anywhere in the country.

For your interest, we fully translate the content of the message:

Three weeks ago this war began with multiple stages and today we enter a new one, Our forces are currently operating inside the Gaza Strip. Their activity has been supported by powerful and precise bombing, all in service of the objectives of the war: dismantling Hamas, securing our borders and a supreme effort to return the kidnapped to their homes.

Until today we have stabilized our defensive line and carried out attacks, our enemy has had hundreds of deaths and much of its infrastructure is destroyed. Hamas is responsible for the situation in Gaza for its criminal actions.

The best, well-trained soldiers and officers are now in Gaza, I have spoken to some of them in recent days. They are all driven by feeling part of a great task and by the firm belief in the justice of our path, the path of the State of Israel.

In recent days we have continued to eliminate commanders of the Hamas terrorist organization, beat its members and hit its infrastructure.

Both the forces on the ground that encounter the enemy on the battlefield and the air, naval and ground forces that support them benefit from intelligence data that makes them more effective.

We follow regional events and are prepared for any scenarioall IDF headquarters, branches and forces are prepared for any possible situation and sustaining the war effort.

We are highly prepared along the northern border to thwart any attempt by Hezbollah to harm Israeli civilians or IDF soldiers, as we have been doing in recent days.

The ground forces are developing an important and complicated operation; the objectives of this war require an operation on the ground. Achievements require risks and, as we know, every victory has a cost. To discover and destroy the enemy there is no other way than to enter their territory with force. This action serves all the purposes of this war.

On October 7, three weeks ago, Hamas committed a crime against all humanityHamas is currently holding innocent people, babies, children, women, men and elderly civilians hostage. Returning these hostages to their homes is a supreme effort of the entire nation. Myself and all soldiers in the Gaza Strip will do everything possible to succeed in that effort. Our hearts and our strength are with their families and with those kidnapped.

We have given ourselves clear objectives and the road will be long. We will combine strength and determination and we will win.

#message #Chief #General #Staff #Israel #road #long #win

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