A communicator who predicts the weather

by time news

2023-10-26 13:50:00

Already in his last year of studies at the Faculty of Communication at the University of Havana, Raydel Ruisanchez does not renounce his desire to continue studying meteorology. It is true that a good meteorologist must be an excellent communicator – and Cuba has many of them – but he found in both specialties a point of connection that complements the most sensitive part of the human being: life.

19 years ago, when Hurricane Charley passed through western Cuba, this young man watched the forecasts issued by meteorologists in front of his television, especially Dr. José Rubiera. Those models and trajectories outlined the future for the then small children, despite the tension that the country was experiencing. Right at that moment he knew what he wanted to be “when he grew up,” and the spark of passion was lit.

“With the approach of a hurricane, the forecasts are becoming more accurate, and I remember those hours of great nervousness. Charley even destroyed the legend of Cajío, in my town, and it seemed endless. The next day when we went out into the streets and I saw so much destruction, I was shocked, and I knew that meteorology was what I would dedicate myself to.

“I studied the degree for a few years; It is difficult to achieve and its subjects are very demanding. I obtained it based on my results in the Mathematics entrance tests, and I had a background of working as a specialist at the Casablanca station; a stage of great sacrifice because I traveled several times a week from Güira to the well-known hill in the capital.

“Aylín Jústiz was my synoptic meteorology teacher, wonderful, and I also remember the classes of Carlos Manuel González Ramírez, now deceased, among others; but the bond with these two teachers is unforgettable. For various reasons I could not continue the degree, I had to abandon it, however, I am one of those who believes that everything in life has a reason, and I cling to that concept.

Communicate science
Much importance is given to the promotion and communication of science in our country. Many advances deserve to be promptly reported to the world, and in terms of meteorology it is rather a tradition, which is viewed with the eye of respect, dedication and admiration.

Being a student of the Social Communication degree has allowed Raydel to acquire tools to inform everything related to his work as a station specialist. It is one of those that she considers to be her broad professional field in these times, and essential regarding forecasts.

“What purpose would meteorology have without a communicative purpose? Before it was only radio, television and the written press, but now social networks and digital platforms appear. They are spaces that demand immediacy and I always think about the premise of facilitating meteorological culture. That’s where our days also move, that’s why I share information, especially in moments that demand it.

“I remain vigilant, even when I am at home resting, after long guards at the Güira de Melena station. The atmosphere is very changeable, that is why we evaluate temperature, pressure, humidity, precipitation, wind direction, cloudiness, among others. If something interesting happens, the break is over.

“No one wants a tropical storm or hurricane to happen, but it is a time of growth and fulfillment. We know that it brings destruction, darkness, fear, scarcity; However, we are there, informing, creating and predicting. It’s an opportunity where we tell people: I’m here to save lives too.

From his Facebook profile, Raydel, as a great meteorologist said, “puts the weather in our favor.” Despite the few minutes that he dedicates to his family, and the reproaches of his girlfriend, he dreams of seeing himself as a communicator on the radio, television and even having his own channel on YouTube.

For so much humility and desire, nothing will be a fateful setback for this young man. He knows that this is what the weather is like: a privateer that he always brings and brings; like the success that the future holds and from which he will not be able to let go despite the attacks.

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