Increase in pensions, winter break, winter tires… what changes on November 1st

by time news

2023-10-30 16:31:23

Like every 1st of the month, new rules will come into force this Wednesday, November 1st. This date marks the revaluation of pensions for private sector retirees, the start of the winter break, the obligation to put on winter tires or have chains for certain motorists, or even an increase in the benchmark sales price some gas.

Private sector retirees see their pensions increase

Good news for 13 million retirees. From November 1, the pensions of more than thirteen million private sector retirees will be revalued by 4.9%. This increase decided by the board of directors of Agirc-Arrco, the supplementary pension for all employees in the private sector in France, is in accordance with the level of inflation estimated by INSEE in 2023, according to the Service public.

Winter break begins

From November 1 to March 31, evictions of tenants will be suspended during the so-called “winter break” period. Born after an appeal from Abbé Pierre in 1954 and enshrined in law in 1956, this measure prevents owners from evicting their tenants during these five months, in particular for “due to successive unpaid bills”, specifies the site of the government.

There are, however, some exceptions, notably for people who can benefit from rehousing corresponding to “their family needs”, for squatters and for spouses, PACS partners or violent cohabitors targeted by expulsions ordered by a family affairs judge. as part of a protection order or non-reconciliation order in divorce proceedings.

During this period, gas and electricity cuts are prohibited.

Winter tires and chains required in certain areas

This is the other change of November 1st, linked to the arrival of cold weather. Motorists who drive in the municipalities of the mountainous massifs of France must equip their vehicle with winter tires or chains until March 31, 2024. A rule which comes into force to ensure better road safety and “avoid blocking situations in mountainous regions,” specifies the Road safety.

More than 4,000 municipalities in 48 departments located in the mountainous areas of the Alps, Corsica, the Massif Central, the Jura massif, the Pyrenees and the Vosges are concerned.

Increase in the benchmark gas sales price

The benchmark sales price for natural gas from the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) continues to rise. In the context of the end of regulated gas sales prices (TRVG), this benchmark price published as an indication aims to serve as a compass for consumers who wish to compare supply offers since June 2023.

For this month of November, the average benchmark price amounts to 91.04 euros per MWh, a “slight increase” compared to the month of October linked to “the rise in wholesale gas prices observed in the fall “, noted the official website of the French administration. The recommended price of the subscription is stable compared to that of October, with an annual price located between 102.94 euros including tax and 257.18 euros including tax.

News on amicable settlement

In order to make justice faster and more efficient, and to help individuals reach an agreement during a dispute, judges will be able to summon individuals to an amicable settlement hearing (ARA) during disputes. civilians.

This new alternative method of dispute resolution will be held by a judge other than the one handling the dispute and remains confidential, unless “otherwise agreed by the parties”, specifies the Service public. During this procedure, the parties to the dispute successively express their points of view as well as their “respective needs, positions and interests”.

Disney + increases its prices

Like Netflix, Amazon and Apple TV in recent weeks, Disney + is increasing its prices. From November 1, the offer which was until now unique becomes Premium and goes from 8.99 euros per month to 11.99 euros, a jump of 33%, well above inflation (+ 5.6 % over one year in September). Two new plans are appearing on the platform with a Standard offer with advertising at 5.99 euros per month, and another Standard offer without advertising at 8.99 per month.

#Increase #pensions #winter #break #winter #tires #November #1st

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