An App to protect the heart, prevention program enlists volunteers

by time news

2023-10-30 18:37:18

An App on the smartphone to protect the heart, built by experts from the Cardiology Network, who have been working in the cardiovascular prevention sector for years. It is the key instrument on which the CV-Prevital research project is based, promoted and financed by the Ministry of Health and implemented through the Italian cardiovascular research network with the Monzino Cardiology Center in Milan as the leader. This is an advanced cardiovascular prevention program based on digital medicine for which, the promoters inform, “recruitment remains open”, extended until the end of February next year.

It is therefore still possible to participate in this prevention initiative, for which to date over 21 thousand volunteers have been recruited, with the expectation of reaching around 30 thousand in the next 4 months. The study ‘Cardiovascular primary prevention strategies in the Italian population (Cv-Prevital)’ aims to demonstrate that a structured digital medicine program, based on the use of an App and inserted in the natural context of primary prevention where cardiologists, medical doctors operate general and pharmacists, is able to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and/or improve the overall state of health of the population. This is “one of the largest and most important cardiological prevention projects at an international level and the first in Italy to involve all prevention actors”, we read in a note released by Monzino.

14 centers of the cardiology network participate, over 40 multifunctional general medicine health centers distributed in 11 regions and around 100 pharmacies associated with Federfarma Lombardia, for a total of more than 500 operators involved including doctors, nurses, researchers, engineers, biostatisticians, technicians laboratory and other professional figures. The principal investigators are the scientific director of Monzino Giulio Pompilio, and the scientific director of the Italian Auxological Institute Gianfranco Parati. The co-principal investigators are the director of the Prevention Area of ​​Monzino Damiano Baldassare and the director of the Department of Epidemiology and Prevention of the Mediterranean Neurological Institute Neuromed Licia Iacoviello. “Data in hand, we can affirm that cardiovascular prevention works. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of illness and early mortality in the world: one person in ten dies between the ages of 30 and 70. However, the mortality rates for these diseases have been reduced by over 35% in recent years, especially thanks to prevention”, explains Pompilio.

Study authors, initial data on 18 thousand people show that 6% do not know they have type 1 diabetes

“The problem is that the majority of the population is not aware or is not convinced of the effectiveness of prevention, so it is necessary to find models that promote correct behaviors and concretely help people to adopt them. This is the challenge of Cv-Prevital and its The very first data seem to confirm that the path is the right one”, adds Pompilio.

“The first challenge of prevention is to identify those with major risk factors – observes the expert – For example, from the analysis of the first data processed by Cv-Prevital on a sample of 18 thousand subjects it emerged that approximately 6% did not know they have type 1 diabetes, which is a very important cardiovascular risk factor. These people (around a thousand), if followed over time, will be able to avoid getting sick and enjoy better health. The key words are therefore awareness and personalisation. For this reason we have created an intervention model that uses an object where our entire individual world exists today, the smartphone, to communicate with the right prevention interlocutors: our reference doctors”.

To participate in Cv-Prevital you must register with your general practitioner (if the latter has joined the study), in pharmacies equipped with a Cv-Prevital Point, or in the centers of the cardiology network involved. Participants assigned to the App group will receive personalized messages and tutorials to help them take care of their cardiovascular health. One year after entry into the study, a first check-up is scheduled at the enrollment center. After 7 years, a second check-up will be carried out, which will be conducted by telephone, to evaluate the extent to which the participants were protected from the appearance of new cardiovascular events. The final objective, concludes Monzino, “is to help you adopt a healthier and more serene way of living, remembering what to do to improve your well-being, what signs not to ignore and what control tests to perform to objectively measure your health”.

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