Panama: Call to respect and protect the medical mission

by time news

2023-10-29 16:45:00

City of Panama. – Guided by its principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence, the Panamanian Red Cross (PRC), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) , we call on all actors concerned in the current internal tensions and internal unrest to respect the key humanitarian work for the protection of the most vulnerable people in the country.

The CRP, in its role as auxiliary to public powers and with the support of the ICRC and the IFRC, reiterates its willingness to contribute to the response to humanitarian needs that may arise from these tensions and disturbances, particularly those that put at risk risk to the life, integrity and health of the population; and to promote respect for universal humanitarian principles.

1. Respect and protection of the medical mission: personnel, establishments and mobile health units, and emergency response, as well as those of the Red Cross

We make a special call to respect and protect personnel, establishments and mobile health and emergency response units, whether public, private or humanitarian organizations such as the Red Cross.

The medical mission, which includes (i) health personnel (health professionals and personnel qualified to provide first aid); (ii) health establishments (hospitals, clinics, health care posts); and (iii) medical vehicles (ambulances, basic relief units and emergency and disaster response vehicles), must be respected and protected. The transit and work of medical vehicles must always be facilitated and never be the object of attack.

Both ambulances and members of health and humanitarian personnel, including Red Cross teams, must be respected and their transit must be facilitated safely and for the time necessary for them to carry out their humanitarian tasks without delays. It is remembered that all people, vehicles and establishments that carry the emblem of the Red Cross must be respected.

Injured, sick and other vulnerable people must be respected and protected at all times and circumstances.

2. Facilitation of safe passages for people in especially vulnerable situations

We also request that safe passage be allowed and facilitated for people in especially vulnerable situations, such as sick and injured people, children and adolescents, pregnant women and people with disabilities, older adults or migrants in transit, among others.

These steps, in addition to allowing the movement of these people, must enable them to receive humanitarian assistance when necessary.

In the case of migrants, especially those in transit through the country, it is important to maintain safe passages for them as well, so that they can continue on their way and/or reunite with their families. This group leaves their countries for different reasons, fleeing armed conflicts, other situations of violence, persecution, attacks on their integrity, poverty, discrimination and recurring disasters, among others.

3. Prevention of shortages of essential foods and medicines

Finally, we call on all actors concerned to allow and ensure the passage of food, agricultural inputs and essential medicines for the population; Otherwise, all citizens are put at risk, especially people in particularly vulnerable situations.

Reiterating our commitment to provide, in any circumstance, assistance and protection to people in situations of special vulnerability, in an impartial, neutral and independent manner:

Marisela Silva ChauHead of ICRC Regional Delegation for Panama and the Caribbean

Elías Solís GonzálezNational President of the Panamanian Red Cross

Nelson Aly RodríguezHead of the IFRC Delegation for Central America

#Panama #Call #respect #protect #medical #mission

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