Forget about long lines: how long do you wait if you rotate machines at the gym?

by time news

2023-10-30 23:28:29

When we go to gym at peak hours, We think we’ll take turns gym machines at least with one or two people. However, in some, the waiting line is miles long. The problem is not sharing, but rather muscles get coldaffecting performance. How long should you wait if you rotate the gym machines?

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Through social networks, videos have gone viral showing the endless waiting lines for use a machine at the gym. Although perhaps many times we get used to rotate training equipmentthe truth is that when we do it among more people due to high demand, we affect our performance.

What happens when we rotate the gym machines with many people?

When we rotate the gym machines With many people, not only the training is affected, but also the adaptation of the muscles, since waiting for a long time between one exercise and another due to the gym congestion, muscles can cool down.

According to a article published by The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, when the muscles get colddecreases the efficiency of the chemical reactions necessary for the muscle contraction, which has a significant impact on the physical performance during exercise, especially in the gym.

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The muscle contraction It is based on the interaction of two main proteins, such as actin and myosin. Both join and slide together to shorten the muscle fibers, causing contraction. However, this process requires energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for it to work correctly.

When we exercise, such as lifting weights in the gym, our muscles work at a high intensity and need a constant supply of ATP. The efficiency of the chemical reactions that produce ATP can be affected by several factors, such as muscle fatigue or cooling, the buildup of waste products (such as lactic acid), and decreased glycogen stores (the way the body body stores carbohydrates).

And we wait a long time between sets or repetitions in the gymthe following can happen:

ATP depletion: feeling of muscle fatigue and a decrease in performance. Accumulation of waste products: burning sensation in the muscles and a reduction in strength. Loss of synchronization: the quality of muscle contraction and the force generated decreases.

Photo: iStock

How long should you wait if you rotate the gym machines?

When you are in a busy gym and you share a machine with other users, it is important to be efficient and respect the waiting time of others. In general, it is recommended to keep the waiting time about 2 to 3 minutes at most. This allows the muscles to stay relatively active and warm without getting too cold.

What is the etiquette when waiting for the machines at the gym?

The etiquette when waiting for machines at the gym It is essential to maintain a harmonious environment during training. Hence the importance of being respectful of other users and following an appropriate waiting protocol; For example, if someone is using a machine you want, wait at a considerable distance to avoid pressuring or distracting the other person.

On the other hand, ask if you can exchange series or share the machine when possible to prevent your muscles from getting cold. Furthermore, it is important respect time limits reasonable times on busy machines so that everyone has the opportunity to complete their training routines effectively.

Photo: iStock

Should I do all sets of one exercise or rotate them in the gym?

When there are many people waiting for the same machine at the gym, we are tempted to perform all sets of an exercise in one pull. However, the decision to do them or rotate them will depend on your objectives.

If you are looking to improve strength and technique in a specific exercise, doing all sets in a row can be beneficial. On the other hand, if you are looking for a more balanced approach and working multiple muscle groups or looking to maximize efficiency in your training, rotating between exercises can be effective in avoiding localized fatigue and maintaining overall intensity.

The choice depends on your training plan and personal preferences, but both strategies can be effective when applied properly.

Now that you know how long you can wait if you rotate the gym machines, don’t hesitate to follow our advice if you want that killer silhouette that you work so hard for in the gym. Take care of yourself!

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