The Painful Reality of Mammography: My Shocking Experience and Unexpected Consequences

by time news

2023-10-31 20:00:00
Woman Suffers Traumatic Experience During Mammography

Hilversum, Netherlands – A routine mammography turned into a nightmare for Irene de Bel, who experienced excruciating pain and even fainted during the procedure. De Bel, who had been referred by her doctor due to pain in one breast, had underestimated the intensity of the mammography process, often described as a “medieval torture device.”

In her naivety, De Bel believed that having ample bosom would make the procedure less painful than for women with smaller breasts. Having been through two natural births, she thought, “How bad could this be?” Unfortunately, her assumptions were proven drastically wrong.

On a Tuesday afternoon, De Bel, unsuspectingly, made her way to the new Tergooi hospital in Hilversum. The lab technician began the mammography by placing De Bel’s painful breast on the plate. The sudden pressure sent shooting pain through her body, leading to her unintentionally moving, causing the photo to fail.

As the lab technician attempted to mold her breast back into shape, De Bel suddenly lost consciousness. She woke up over an hour later in the emergency room, confused and in pain. Her head was bleeding, and she had a large egg-shaped bump on the back of her head. After a CT scan, a neurologist cleared her, and she was allowed to go home. However, De Bel now experiences pain not only in her chest but also in her head, neck, and back.

A week later, De Bel returned to the hospital for another breast examination. Although the pain in her chest had subsided, the discomfort in her neck had intensified, demanding all her attention. This time, precautions were taken, with an extra nurse present and her husband by her side to catch her if she fainted again. Despite the added measures, the pain was unbearable, and tears streamed down her cheeks, likening the experience to surpassing the pain of childbirth.

Despite the harrowing experience, the mammogram results came back as expected, with no abnormalities detected. De Bel was relieved but was faced with the challenge of recovering from her fall. Even after five weeks, she still relies on a significant number of painkillers to manage the pain.

Reflecting on her traumatic experience, De Bel now understands why some women choose not to participate in population surveys involving mammography. She firmly believes that the information provided should include warnings and considerations for those who may have a history of fainting, ultimately preventing such miseries.

De Bel’s story serves as a reminder that while mammograms play a crucial role in early detection of breast cancer, the process can be physically and emotionally distressing for some women. It is crucial for medical professionals to communicate the potential risks and discomfort associated with mammography and tailor the procedure to each individual’s needs and medical history.]
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