Specialties for which scholarships are NOT offered

by time news

2023-11-01 01:00:27

One of the characteristics of National Examination of Aspirants to Medical Residencies (ENARM) 2023 is that there are some specialties for which they are offered scholarships…and also others for which there is no support. Therefore, below we share all the information about it.

This test is mandatory for everyone who wants to become experts. But even when you get a high score, you need to follow an extensive process. The next step is to choose the hospital where you want to do your residency and it is a decision on which the future of each applicant depends.

ENARM 2023: Medical specialties without scholarships

Now, since 2020 the National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (Conahcyt) offers scholarships so that applicants who obtain a place can continue their training abroad.

The initiative arose due to the enormous number of rejected doctors in each edition. The hospitals that exist in the country are insufficient to accommodate so many residents.

On the other hand, the Interinstitutional Commission for the Training of Human Resources for Health (CIFRHS) published the information related to the places that will be offered this year. In total there will be 18,529 spaces but something that is striking is that for the following specialties of the ENARM 2023 There will be no scholarships.

Anesthesiology Audiology, Otoneurology and Phoniatrics Quality of Clinical Care Gynecology and Obstetrics Diagnostic and Therapeutic Imaging Physical Activity and Sports Medicine Occupational and Environmental Medicine Family Medicine Legal Medicine Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Preventive Medicine Ophthalmology Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Pediatrics Radiation Oncology

On the other hand, something that also draws attention is the decrease in the total number of scholarships. When this program began, 1,000 supports were offered so that the same number of Mexican doctors could continue their training.

On the other hand, for the ENARM This year the figure is just 50 scholarships. It is the lowest number since the program began.

Why did the number of scholarships decrease?

It is difficult to answer the question, although a possible reason would be because it was only possible to sign an agreement with one country and it is Cuba. Although at the beginning it was said that there would be various options, in reality that is not the case.

With this in mind, in previous editions the majority of applicants who obtained a scholarship rejected it because it was not in their interest to pursue their medical specialty on the island.

In the end, although the scholarships to take the medical specialties They are a good initiative, due to what was observed in the ENARM 2023 It seems that this is a program doomed to disappear if the number continues to decrease during future editions.

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#Specialties #scholarships #offered

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