Why Non-Smokers Can Get Lung Cancer: Study Reveals Surprising Link to Air Pollution

by time news

2023-10-31 18:05:41
Non-smokers can also get lung cancer, and a new study has now revealed why. Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in Germany, and while smoking is a well-known risk factor for the disease, non-smokers are not immune to developing it. A research team from the Francis Crick Institute and University College London in Great Britain has presented their findings on the connection between lung cancer and air pollution at the annual meeting of the European Society for Medical Oncology in Paris.

Using patient records, animal experiments, and sample collection, the researchers investigated how lung cancer is linked to air pollution from exhaust gases produced by the combustion of fossil fuels. Previous studies have suspected a correlation between air pollution and an increased risk of lung cancer, but the exact mechanism was unknown.

The team evaluated the records of over 460,000 patients in England, South Korea, and Taiwan. The analysis revealed that people exposed to air pollution with fine dust particles, specifically PM2.5, had an increased risk of mutations in the EGFR and KRAS genes, both associated with lung cancer. In laboratory experiments on mice, the research team demonstrated that PM2.5 particles caused changes to these genes.

To further confirm their findings, the research team examined nearly 250 samples from the lungs of people who had never been exposed to air pollution or tobacco smoke. Surprisingly, they found mutations in the EGFR gene in 18% of the samples and mutations in the KRAS gene in 33% of the samples. These genetic changes, although not enough on their own to cause cancer, can trigger a wound healing reaction when exposed to air pollution, leading to inflammatory processes. If a cell affected by these genetic changes is also exposed to air pollution, it can develop into lung cancer.

The study’s findings shed light on how non-smokers can develop lung cancer. Despite not smoking, exposure to air pollution increases the risk of genetic mutations that, when combined with environmental factors, can lead to cancer. This highlights the importance of reducing air pollution and taking preventive measures to protect the lungs from the harmful effects of pollutants.

Apart from explaining the development of lung cancer in non-smokers, the research team also developed an approach for preventing lung cancer. In an experiment with mice, they discovered that an antibody can stop the inflammatory process triggered by interleukin 1 beta, ultimately preventing lung cancer from developing. Additionally, a new cancer drug that has been approved in the USA could make the treatment of lung cancer easier.

This study serves as a reminder that lung cancer is not solely a disease of smokers. Non-smokers need to be aware of the potential risks associated with air pollution and take steps to minimize their exposure. Furthermore, efforts should be made to reduce air pollution globally to decrease the prevalence of lung cancer and improve overall public health.]
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