Greek-Turkish exchange of port duties for Refugees

by time news

2023-10-31 16:20:48

The crisis in the Middle East does not seem to affect the Greek-Turkish dialogue at the moment. And as far as Migration is concerned, especially, it seems that the discussions between Athens and Ankara for a bilateral agreement on the flows are in their final stage, with the aim of signing the relevant cooperation memorandum by Mitsotakis and Erdogan at the Supreme Cooperation Council in December 7 in Thessaloniki. Until then, the two competent ministers, Dimitris Kairides and Ali Gerlikaya, are arranging the details of the agreement which, according to information, will also include the exchange of personnel. In general, the stationing of at least one Greek Coast Guard officer and, respectively, one Turkish Coast Guard officer on Lesbos. So that there is direct control and communication about migration flows.

Long term visa to the islands

The goodwill gestures will not stop there. According to information, Kairides and Gerlikaya, in consultation with the competent commissioner Ilva Johansson, are discussing the possibility of activating a “visa facilitation” program specifically for the Greek islands of the Eastern Aegean. With this, Turkish citizens will be able to issue long-term visas with a more simplified procedure, in order to move more easily to Rhodes, Chios, Samos, Lesbos, Kos, Leros and Kastellorizo.

American fire against Erdogan

I wrote to you yesterday about the climate that has formed in the US for Erdogan, after the declarations of support for Hamas. It is so bad that one senator has gone so far as to call for the… expulsion of Turkey from NATO. This is the Republican senator, Mike Lee, who, reacting to the Turkish president’s supportive statements about Hamas, spoke of a position that is against the security interests of the US and NATO and argued that the possibility of removing it should be seriously discussed of Turkey from the Alliance. His proposal sounds extreme and unprecedented, as there has never been a voluntary withdrawal or expulsion of a member state from NATO. But it is absolutely indicative of the climate that is taking shape. Especially if you consider that the Republicans had no problem with Erdogan – Trump also called him “Erdi”.

Tax evasion in the Ministry

For the third time in a month, the Council of Ministers is meeting today, with Kyriakos Mitsotakis sending a signal to the ministers to be alert and close pending issues. The agenda includes pending bills and actions of the Ministries of Interior, Justice, Civil Protection, Digital Governance, Education and Culture. But the burden is expected to fall on those concerning the economy and everyday life. First is the new bill to combat tax evasion. At the meeting, Kostis Hatzidakis will present the regulations that mainly target freelancers who systematically show very low incomes.

The new heating allowance

Second “hot” topic is the strengthening of households against energy costs. Theodoros Skylakakis has taken it upon himself to make the relevant proposal for the new heating allowance which will especially concern those who use electricity to warm themselves in the winter. Against the backdrop of the crisis in the Middle East, energy is among the government’s major concerns, along with accuracy, and the Prime Minister has instructed the staff, in addition to targeted price measures (controls, negotiations with multinationals, etc.), to find the right mix of support measures, either by extending existing arrangements or in the form of new subsidies.

Complaints of Beleris for delay

Freddy Beleris issued a statement from the prisons where he is being held, complaining of delays in the hearing of his case by the Supreme Court and arguing that the purpose of the extension is the indirect support of his political opponent in the municipality of Himarra. Which, I remind you, Beleris had won in the elections even though he has not been allowed by the Albanian authorities to take the oath of office and, therefore, officially succeed him. “Judges who ignore procedural deadlines and distort the law, unfortunately, even in the highest judiciary of Albania, as members of the Supreme Court,” he argues, “actually extend the term of office of the most corrupt and despicable Mayor Heimarra,” insisting that “sections of Justice have been put at the service of politics”.

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