Annamária Borsos received a gold diploma

by time news

2023-10-31 18:00:38

Annamária Borsos was born in Hódmezővásárhely. His musical talent showed itself as a young child. He could play the piano before he learned to spell. When he was five years old, the director of the music school at the time allowed him to attend the music school, which filled him with immense happiness. He first entered the music school together with his sisters, and then he was able to attend classes independently. After graduating from elementary school, he graduated from Bethlen Gábor High School, majoring in biology and chemistry. After that, he became Tibor Deák’s student for a year, who prepared him for admission to the Szeged department of the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music, with success. József Druga and then Péter Bodás were his teachers at the music academy.

Annamária Borsos graduated in 1973 in piano solfège and conducting. He worked for five years in Csongrád, at the Enek-zenei Általnosa Iskola, then returned home to the music school in Hódmezővásárhely.

There, from 1996, for 17 years, he was the head of the piano-organ-private department. The very popular Young Pianists County Meeting was held for the first time this year, which has been an unbroken success ever since.

During the presentation of the golden diploma, the most important milestones of the past 50 years were highlighted in honor of Annamária Borsos. In 1986, he received a minister’s commendation, and in 1998, he received an artistic prize at the National Chamber Music Festival of Music Teachers in Kaposvár with the trio composed of Péter Zoltán and Cságoly Cságoly. In 2002, he received an award for Hódmezővásárhely Public Service, and in 2008, the Attila Péczely Memorial Medal. In 2009, Annamária Borsos was awarded the county’s Príma award, she retired in January 2013, but she did not stop teaching, and has been actively participating in the city’s musical life ever since. In 2014, he received a certificate of recognition for his “sacrificing work as an educator for the future generation”, in 2017 he received the Bessenyei award, and in 2020 he received the award “in recognition of his outstanding pedagogical activity and professional dedication”.

He performed as a member of the Municipal Mixed Orchestra and as a piano accompanist in Wales, the Netherlands, Prague, Bratislava, Transylvania, and Germany. As a member of the city’s cultural delegation, he visited and performed in Hódmezővásárhely’s sister cities, Hechingen and Vallauris, as well as in Vienna and Zenta.

To this day, he often performs at the cultural events of the music school, Hódmezővásárhely, and Mindszent. Together with the clarinetist Péter Zoltán, they often undertake charity concerts.

In his private life, he is surrounded by a music-loving family. Her husband Béla Kis János is a welding engineer and agricultural entrepreneur. They raised three sons, Dávid Péter became an agricultural engineer, Benedek János a physicist, and Máté a teacher.

#Annamária #Borsos #received #gold #diploma

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