Commissioner of Police: No surveillance software was used against the black flags and surveillance of opponents of the Pride Parade

by time news

The Commissioner of Police today (Tuesday) rejected the media discourse about the use of advanced technological capabilities by the police on the use of NSO software for tracking Israelis, and said that “such tools were not used in front of black flag demonstrators, phone calls from authorities The commissioner, Superintendent Kobi Shabtai, added that “with regard to the use of enforcement measures in general, as stated, everything is done with the necessary legal approvals.” The police clarified that the police purchase technological tools from external companies, also in the field of communications and cyber. The external companies are not exposed to intelligence information or the products of the investigative information, and in doing so, the activation of the technological tool for police purposes is done by the professionals of the Israel Police and not by the employees of the external companies. It was further reported that the use by the police of the technological tools acquired from outside companies as well as those developed by the police was done according to law. Thus, for example, as far as the use of a technological tool for the purpose of wiretapping is concerned, an application for wiretapping is submitted to a competent court as is customary, and this is examined by the court and approved first. Saturn announced that he had ordered “an investigation into all the cases that arose in the article (published in Calcalist) and allegedly took place several years ago. The investigation revealed that some cases were incorrect. Among other things, such tools were not used in front of black flag protesters “Opponents of the Pride Parade. These details are incorrect. Regarding the use of enforcement measures in general, as stated, everything is done with the necessary legal approvals.”
“The Israel Police does not use its advanced technological capabilities against civilians and innocent demonstrators. I am proud to combine technological systems that have become an arrowhead in the war on crime, violence and criminals. The use of advanced technology in the fight against crime is a national interest.” The world of crime is sophisticated and we will continue to act and do everything to be one step ahead. “While adhering to court orders in any use of one tool or another,” the commissioner said.

Rabbi Kobi Shabtai in Lod (screenshot from the video)

The Minister of Internal Security, Amar Bar-Lev, responded to the publications and said, “The importance of preserving democracy in Israel is a candle to my feet and there is no exception and nothing unusual. “Or any intrusion into the mobile devices of citizens without the approval of a judge, turned out to be incorrect at this stage. There is no procedure or practice that approves the use of such technologies, neither officially nor informally.”
The Minister added, “I instructed the Commissioner to re-examine all cases in which technological means were used in order to ensure that there were no such incidents without the approval of a judge. If such cases are found so far, I will act with all determination “In violation of the law (if it turns out that there were any) the law. I will turn every stone to make sure that the technological means in the hands of the police are not used as a non-kosher.”

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