Zell am See Citizens’ Meeting: Hot topics and good conversations

by time news

2023-11-01 09:47:41

The eleventh edition of this event was not just about information, but also about dialogue. That’s what the citizens wanted too.

“We were very often in crisis mode, the general conditions were difficult – but a lot has progressed,” said Mayor Andreas Wimmreuter when welcoming the citizens’ meeting in the Ferry Porsche Congress Center. Together with the responsible city councilors and his two deputy mayors, the city boss presented completed and ongoing projects and took part in the discussion. Before and after the presentation there was the opportunity for “foyer discussions”, which was well used by the residents of Zell. Questions and concerns from the citizens’ box were also taken up and processed.

Size and smaller successful projects – and new ideas

There were major investments in Zell am See, especially in flood protection: 15 million euros were invested in securing the Thumersbach torrents, 12.5 million euros were invested in the barriers on the Zeller side (Zorn- and Geislerbach) and a third retention basin on the Kendlergraben .

Almost four million euros were invested in the new ice rink, which was expanded and renovated to a state-of-the-art level over the last three years.

Component A of the Tauern Clinic – endoscopy, nursing school and administration – was modernized by twelve million euros, funded by the state.

Mayor Wimmreuter was proud of the “showcase playground” in Zell am See, which parents were also involved in planning.

Vice Mayor Salome Mühlberger reported on the challenges in the childcare sector and the temporary park kindergarten in the retirement home area and asserted that this was “not a long-term solution”. However, the feedback from seniors is positive. And speaking of children and young people: The city of Zell am See is extending the contract with the street workers. We have had positive experiences here and there is a need among young people.

Vice Mayor Anneliese Reitsamer, head of culture, looked back on the “event of the century” Zeller Jedermann, the Zell am See music festival, which has developed into a “valuable stone in the cultural landscape”, and the summer concerts. The only downer: “We have massive problems with young talent in all Zell clubs.” It is difficult to find young people for management positions: “The social contribution is so important, as is respect and looking out for one another.”

Salome Mühlberger reported on the municipality’s efforts to implement an energy transition: “Over 60 percent of heat generation still comes from fossil fuels. That’s too much.” A feasibility study funded by the state of Salzburg is intended to develop a possible district heating network structure and examine the integration of alternative energy concepts such as photovoltaics and waste heat recovery: “Zell am See can only grant line rights – the project costs must be borne by a possible interested party.”

Citizens’ box as an ombudsman and collection of ideas

Topics from the Citizens’ Box concerned the expansion of public transport, seating, dog stations and public toilets as well as the expansion of the cycle path network. A necessary train stop for Schüttdorf was also discussed. According to the mayor, this is “very important and is already being planned. The state is cooperating with the ÖBB here, and a suitable location has already been found.” The stop is also part of the “Schützdorf master plan”, which is now to be implemented after the corona-related delay and provides for strengthening the town center and making the center more attractive through markets.

Long-running favorite Hubertushof – there is no such thing as giving up

During the audience discussion, Andreas Schmid from the Pro Thumersbach citizens’ initiative was one of the first to speak and, to the applause of those present, expressed his regret that the 377 objections to the Thumersbach housing project (“that’s at least a third of all those entitled to vote”) were not taken into account were: “We are not against the project, but only against the excessive size. There is a lack of sensitivity for the town and landscape.” The mayor pointed out that “the development plan corresponds to the spatial development concept” and asked that the majority decision of the municipality be democratically accepted. Schmid: “We will still keep trying.”

A resident of Saalfeldnerstrasse reported “unbearable conditions” in the parking garage area with “honking concerts and shouting duels”: “We’ve been put off for five years, but nothing has happened. We’ve had enough.” She also asked for “citizen involvement” in the search for a solution: “After all, we are the ones who have to live here.”

In a similar way, a woman from Zell expressed the desire for greater participation of the population in decision-making processes and projects: “The way things went with the meeting zone in Thumersbach was wonderful.” There is also a need for more “movement spaces, not just meeting spaces” in public spaces. Existing and planned spaces should be used more from this point of view.

Outlook for major projects, briefly summarized

Expansion, renovation, new building of the federal school center. Construction will begin in June 2023 and is scheduled to be completed in autumn 2025. There will be 22 BRG and 15 HAK classes, and a spacious forecourt on Karl-Vogt-Straße is also planned as a meeting area. The schools remain independent, but shared functions are intended to create synergies.

Multifunctional center. A generational project is planned as a center for education, culture and sport. Due to the fire safety situation in the building from 1950, which was renovated in 1991, and the lack of accessibility, there is an acute need for action. The increasing need for afternoon care also requires a new spatial concept – multifunctional learning houses and twelve MMS and eight VS classes, rooms for community music and the city library as well as a multi-purpose gymnasium are being created. Construction start: July 2025, completion in 2027.

Reconstruction sea camp
began in August In addition to the reconstruction of the main building, the farm building will be relocated and the outbuilding will be renovated, and the campsite infrastructure will also be improved. If everything goes according to plan, camping operations will start again in May 2024 and the lake restaurant should open in July 2024.

#Zell #Citizens #Meeting #Hot #topics #good #conversations

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