consultations with the doctor are increasing, changes also for pensions and gas

by time news

2023-11-01 14:08:41

From November 1, 2023, several rules are changing, including the increase in the price of gas or the increase in pensions. Overview.

As at the start of each month, several measures come into force from November 1, 2023. The month of November thus comes with its share of economic developments and innovations. The price of gas is increasing, so are pensions and snow tires are becoming compulsory. Linternaute takes stock of the changes on November 1st.

Increase in medical consultation

From this Wednesday, consultation with the doctor now costs more. After the failure of negotiations between private doctors and Health Insurance, the consultation with the doctor increases by 1.50 euros from November 1st. You will therefore have to pay 26.50 euros at the general practitioner (compared to 25 euros today) and 31.50 euros at the specialist (compared to 30 euros today).

Revaluation of pensions

On its website, the Ministry of the Economy highlights an increase in supplementary pensions. More than 13 million retirees are experiencing an increase of 4.9%. This change is introduced after the agreement concluded between the social partners and Agirc-Arrco, the private supplementary pension fund. An increase which corresponds to the level of inflation estimated by INSEE for the year 2023. It also takes into account the government’s pension reform and will be valid until 2026.

Increase in gas prices

The benchmark gas sales price increases slightly this Wednesday, explains Service Public, the official website of the French administration. For November, the average benchmark price amounts to €91.04/MWh, an increase of €3.83/MWh. According to the CRE, this increase results from “the rise in wholesale gas prices observed this fall”. However, it specifies that this price “remains below the average level of the tariff shield which was in force on June 30, 2023”,

Winter break

The winter break on the eviction of tenants begins this Wednesday and will last until March 31, 2024. During this period, procedures for evicting a tenant by an owner are suspended, in particular for successive months of unpaid rent. However, certain people are not protected by this measure, such as squatters or violent spouses whose eviction has been ordered by a judge. Gas and electricity cuts are also prohibited.

Snow tires required

This Wednesday also marks the start of the requirement for snow chains or tires on vehicles. Road Safety is reintroducing an obligation on adapted equipment in 34 French departments. These are mainly part of the mountain ranges (Alps, Pyrenees, Vosges massif). Corsica is also included. The obligation will be in effect for the duration of the winter period, until March 31.

#consultations #doctor #increasing #pensions #gas

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