Biden Calls for a Pause in Israel-Gaza Conflict to Free Hostages

by time news

Biden Calls for Pause in Israel-Gaza Conflict to Get Hostages Out After Heckler Interrupts Fundraiser

November 1, 2023, 10:12 PM ET

In a surprising turn of events, President Joe Biden expressed his belief in a “pause” in the Israel-Gaza conflict during a campaign fundraiser on Wednesday night. The president’s statement came after he was interrupted by a heckler calling for a cease-fire in the conflict. According to a pool report from the event, Biden responded to the heckler, saying, “I think we need a pause. A pause means give time to get the [hostages] out. Give time.”

When asked to clarify his comment, Biden explained, “I’m the guy that convinced Bibi to call for a cease-fire to let the [hostages] out. I’m the guy that talked to Sisi to convince him to open the door.” Biden was referring to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, suggesting that he played a role in facilitating the release of hostages. The reference to the Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza indicated Biden’s involvement in negotiating with the parties involved.

This statement from Biden diverges from the position the White House has taken since the conflict began. Previously, the White House emphasized that they would not dictate how Israel should respond to Hamas’ terror attacks. However, a White House official clarified that Biden’s comment did not contradict the administration’s stance. Instead, they suggested that the president was referring to a temporary pause to free the two American hostages last month, asserting that the term “pause” could be interchangeable with “humanitarian pause.”

In recent days, the United States has called for a humanitarian pause to provide aid to civilians trapped in Gaza. The White House has supported the idea of localized, temporary breaks in fighting to allow humanitarian assistance to reach those in need or for people to safely exit the conflict zone. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and White House national security spokesperson John Kirby have both advocated for such pauses, acknowledging the importance of helping those affected by the situation.

While Biden’s comments introduce a new aspect to the administration’s approach, they also reaffirm the stance that Hamas is considered a terrorist organization. The president emphasized this during his speech, stating, “The fact of the matter is that Hamas is a terrorist organization — a flat-out terrorist organization.”

As the Israel-Gaza conflict continues, Biden’s call for a pause reflects the increasing concern for the well-being of civilians caught in the crossfire. The United States’ push for humanitarian aid and safe passages demonstrates a commitment to alleviating the impact of the conflict on vulnerable populations.

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