Documents required to update Bolsa Família registration with CRAS

by time news

2023-11-02 09:45:00

The Ministry of Development and Social Assistance (MDS) continues to receive new policyholders in Bolsa Família. The benefit is part of the Single Registry (CadÚnico) program basket and is aimed at families in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability. Therefore, the family must have a per capita income (per person) equal to or less than R$218.00 per month.

To register for Bolsa Família, you must, first of all, register with CadÚnico. Registration is done in person at the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) by the family member chosen to represent the others. This person must be over 16 years old and preferably a woman. However, men can also register.

The member can be a Family Guardian or a Legal Guardian. In the first case, the person is part of the family, lives in the same house and shares the same income. In the second case, the person is not part of the family, does not live in the same house, nor does they share the same income. The chosen one must go to CRAS with the documents of all family members. See below the required documents:

For families with a responsible family member

CPF of the family responsible; Voter registration of the family responsible; Identification document with photo of the family responsible; Proof of address or, if not available, declaration of residence signed by the family responsible; CPF of other members; Voter ID of other members; Birth or marriage certificate of the other members; Identity card or work card of other members.

For families with a legal guardian

CPF of the legal guardian; Document proving the legal representation of the legal guardian; CPF of the person represented; Voter registration of the person represented; Identification document with photo of the person represented; Proof of address or, if not available, declaration of residence signed by the family member of the person represented; CPF of other members; Voter ID of other members; Birth or marriage certificate of the other members; Identity card or work card of other members.

Bolsa Família Conditional Rules

Bolsa Família also has a set of Conditional Rules that must be complied with to guarantee the maintenance of the transfer. They are of great importance, as they aim to ensure that children and adolescents have access to health and education. See what the Bolsa Família requirements are below:

The person responsible must maintain children aged 4 to 5 with a minimum school attendance of 60%; The person responsible must maintain children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 with a minimum school attendance of 75%; Nutritional monitoring (weight and height) of children up to six years old; The person responsible must keep the entire family’s vaccination record up to date; Pregnant women must undergo prenatal care.

Families that do not comply with the conditional rules may have the transfer interrupted for up to two months, without the right to retroactive installments. In more serious cases, the family may lose the grant permanently. For this reason, it is important to always remain aware of compliance with the Bolsa Família Conditional Rules.

Bolsa Família Calendar for November

Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) must only transfer Bolsa Família in the last ten working days of the month. However, the financial institution has already released the complete calendar for the month of November. The calendar is staggered according to the last digit of the Social Identification Number (NIS) of the Family/Legal Guardian, and the money is deposited in the Caixa Tem digital account. Check out all the dates in the full calendar below:

Final NIS 1: November 17th;

NIS of final 2: November 20th (advanced to Saturday, 18th);

NIS of final 3: November 21st; NIS final 4: November 22nd; Final NIS 5: November 23rd; Final NIS 6: November 24th;

Final NIS 7: November 27th (advanced to Saturday, 25th);

Final NIS 8: November 28th; NIS end 9: November 29th; Final NIS 0: November 30th.
#Documents #required #update #Bolsa #Família #registration #CRAS

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