When will Covid end? According to a study, we may not notice it

by time news

When will Covid end? According to a US study, it will happen “when we turn off our screens and decide that other issues deserve our attention once again”

When Covid will end? This is the question the world started asking when it became apparent that the Coronavirus it would have radically changed our habits and sociability. There variante Omicron has further shuffled the cards, leading to a significant increase in infections, and the light at the end of the tunnel seems increasingly distant now that we begin to talk about fourth dose. Same Italians said they were tired of the pandemic but it seems that when it finally ends maybe we won’t even notice.

A study published in the British Medical Journal and conducted by two American researchers, David Robertson from the Princeton University e Peter Doshi dell’University of Maryland, tried to investigate when Covid will end and what the end of the pandemic will be like. According to experts, it will never reach the much coveted herd immunity but everything will happen “it will happen gradually and unevenly”.

When will Covid end? “When we decide that other matters deserve our attention”

This conclusion arises from the analysis of what happened with theSpanish influence in 1918, theAsian influence in 1957 andHong Kong influence in 1968. Researchers agree that the Covid-19 it was a “unique” pandemic of its kind in that it led to “an unprecedented disruption of social life”. That said, “the end of the pandemic – the scholars specified – is more a question of lived experience, therefore it is more a sociological phenomenon than a biological one”.

Pandemics due to a virus affecting the respiratory tract “simply do not end in such a way as to be displayed on a panel. Far from being a dramatic end, pandemics gradually fade as society adjusts to live with the new pathogen. and social life returns to normal “. When Covid will end? “When we turn off our screens and decide that other issues once again deserve our attention,” the experts conclude.

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