The 7 substances that protect human health: the study

by time news

2023-11-03 15:19:42

From milk thistle to green tea, from broccoli to tomato, up to horse chestnut: the 7 substances at the basis of a new supplement studied by the experts of the Italian Society of Andrology (Sia) to take care of men’s health come from nature. Drolessano is the result of collaboration between Sia researchers, the first Italian scientific company to have developed a nutraceutical – highlight the andrologists – and the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology of the University of Catanzaro. Available from July in all pharmacies, it can be a valid support for all healthy men who want to take care of their health, not only sexual health, thanks to beneficial effects that have been documented by a recent review of the studies on the 7 substances included in the supplement , published in the scientific journal ‘Uro’.

Why does the mix work?

Research has shown that, thanks to its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, the new mix based on silymarin, sulforaphane, lycopene, escin, green tea, reduced glutathione and tryptophan is able to contribute to the prevention of some tumors such as prostate cancer and to reduce the urinary symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy, but also to improve the cardiovascular risk profile, liver activity and mood.

“Aging, an incorrect lifestyle and exposure to environmental pollution are elements that can compromise health, largely because they induce an increase in the production of free radicals and greater oxidative stress which damages cells and tissues, leveling the path to tumors, metabolic and cardiovascular diseases – explains Alessandro Palmieri, president of SIA and professor of Urology at the Federico II University of Naples – Correct nutrition is essential to combat these phenomena and is the basis for health and well-being, but they exist bioactive molecules that can be of great help because they are able to improve biological functions”. For this reason, Sia, “thanks to the spin-off Sia benefit community created to create new health opportunities for men of today and tomorrow, has isolated the 7 best bioactive molecules with specific and documented positive actions such as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory – underlines Fabrizio Palumbo , project manager and medical director at the Urology Unit of the Di Venere Hospital in Bari – creating a mix, Drolessano, in which they are found in high concentrations so as to become a valid support for men’s health”.

The 7 constituents of the new supplement “were chosen not only because they have beneficial effects on the body regardless of age and health conditions – underlines Luca Gallelli of the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology of the University of Catanzaro – but also because they have no side effects and they can be included in a single supplement without giving rise to negative interactions, but rather mutually enhancing their positive actions”.

The compounds present in Drolessano – continues the note – are mainly extracted from plants known for their healing abilities. Sulforaphane, for example, is extracted from cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage and is an excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that has been shown to inhibit the growth of tumor cells. Lycopene from tomatoes is a carotenoid with similar properties, which studies indicate can protect against prostate cancer and help treat the symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy. The recent review published by Sia experts and pharmacologists from the University of Catanzaro, which took stock of the documented effects of the 7 compounds present in Drolessane, also highlighted the antioxidant capacity of glutathione, the positive action on mood and cognitive activity of the The amino acid tryptophan and the many benefits of green tea, which protects against the toxicity of many carcinogens and has been shown to contribute to the prevention of tumors.

“In Drolessano – adds Tommaso Cai, urologist at the Santa Chiara hospital in Trento – we also included two compounds whose specific positive action for male health has been verified: this is escin extracted from the seeds and shell of horse chestnut, a powerful antioxidant useful in the field of urolithiasis, male infertility and varicocele, prostate and bladder cancer, chronic prostatitis. The data show, among other things, a possible anti-tumor effect in carcinoma cells prostatic and an anti-inflammatory activity comparable to that of cortisone, as well as an antioxidant action which makes it very promising also for infertility”.

“The perhaps lesser-known but decisive compound – concludes Palmieri – is finally silymarin extracted from milk thistle, which has been shown to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells and delay the progression of the tumor, but also to reduce urinary symptoms and the Psa level in patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy. Silymarin also has hypocholesterolemic and hepatoprotective properties: it thus completes the profile of a nutraceutical in which all the components contribute to inhibiting inflammatory and oxidative processes, while at the same time amplifying the protective mechanisms of characteristics that make the new supplement a health option for all healthy men who want to maintain their sexual and general well-being for a long time.”

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