by time news

2023-11-03 18:45:58

Maria Blanchard, The two sister’s (detail), 1921. Abanca Art Collection


As a complementary activity to the exhibition Teachers, curated by Rocío de la Villa, the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum in Madrid has organized a seminar directed by Marián López Fdz. Cao, professor of artistic education at the Complutense University of Madrid, specialized in art, feminism and psychosocial inclusion.

This cycle proposes a reflection and updating of some female figures of Spanish art that have been decisive; artists that the patriarchal canon of art history, shaped by gender privileges and social prejudices, failed to appreciate and place in their rightful place, such as Alejandrina Gessler, known as Madame Anselma (Cádiz, 1831-Paris, 1907), Maria Luisa Puiggener (Jerez de la Frontera, 1875-Seville, 1921), Lluïsa Vidal (Barcelona, ​​1876-1918), María Blanchard (Santander, 1881-Paris, 1932) and Maruja Mallo (Lugo, 1902-Madrid, 1995).

Led by five specialists in the history of art, artistic education and aesthetics, and within the framework of review and vindication of the exhibition itself and the rest of related activities, this cycle of conferences offers the opportunity to analyze not only the great contribution of their respective works, some of which can be seen in the rooms, but also the development of the artist profession in a complex Spain, and how history has introduced or excluded them from a paradigm that today appears outdated.

The conferences will take place in the Assembly Hall of the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum in Madrid from November 8 to December 13, 2023 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.


From Madame to Maestra: the story of how Anselma became a painter
Conference given by Laura Triviño Cabrera, professor at the University of Malaga.
November 8, 2023

Lluïsa Vidal, the star painter of Feminal
Conference given by Mª Ángeles Cabré, writer specialized in women and feminisms, director of the Cultural Gender Observatory.
November 15, 2023

A brilliant artist who surpasses many masters: the social and feminist demands of María Luisa Puiggener (1875-1921)
Lecture given by Magdalena Illán, professor of Art History at the University of Seville, director of the Department of Art History and coordinator of the Permanent Observatory of Art and Gender.
November 22, 2023

Maria Blanchard. Woman at the wrong time
Lecture given by Pilar V. de Foronda, sculptor, activist and feminist.
November 29, 2023

Maruja Mallo: transgression and avant-garde
Lecture given by Mercedes Gómez-Blesa, professor of Philosophy in Secondary Education, essayist, art critic and poet.
December 13, 2023

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