Building materials that destroy human health

by time news

2023-11-03 23:21:00

Modern construction materials, which have a negative effect on the human body, especially children, have already entered every building and house.

It’s cheap, easy, profitable, fashionable, and we turn our homes into hell’s dens.

When people buy construction material, they do not require any certificate or laboratory opinion about its safety. He thinks that this is not food to enter the body. Manufacturers and companies usually do not tell the buyer about the chemical substances they use excessively or unnecessarily in each material.

Recently, nervous, nervous, endocrine, pulmonary diseases have increased in people. The root of these problems, the cause of which is sometimes unknown, can be the walls we live in, the floor, plastic doors and windows, and the materials of our house.

Day.Az presents the TOP 7 list of harmful construction materials.

Find out which ones from this list you have and what are the side effects.

1. Polymer building material – known as DVP, DSP, PBX, PVA, is used for thermal insulation, waterproofing, hermetic sealing, as well as in furniture production and coatings. Cheap furniture is mostly made of DVP, DSP.

Plastic pipes, window and door, wall panels, linoleum, stretch ceiling, plinths are made from PBX.

If the house has only a plastic door and a linoleum floor, this is not considered a serious threat.

But now, if the windows, sometimes doors, kitchen floor, furniture, doors, and ceiling are all made of these materials, living here is a pain for the body.

Over time, dioxin, a carcinogenic substance, evaporates from this material, which causes mutations at the level of human DNA and creates cancerous tumors.

In such a house, the immune system collapses, respiratory tracts, lungs are blocked, kidneys, liver are poisoned.

Dangerous substances from polymer materials – toluene, benzoc, ethylbenzene are harmful from the blood to the eyes.

2. Colored paint, varnish, glue – 90% of these products contain dangerous xylene and toluene. After 6-8 months from some modern paints with polyvinyl chloride additives, negative substances are mixed into the air. They clog the vessels, disrupt the normal respiratory system, cause allergic complications in the skin and mucous membranes, and disrupt the functioning of the body.

These substances are very harmful for babies, pregnant women, lactating women, and the elderly. Some parquet varnish glues collapse the male and female reproductive system and cause infertility. premature birth in pregnant women causes miscarriages

3. Expanded polystyrene – widely used as a heating material for houses. It is forbidden to use this material inside the house, because it emits toxic substances such as formaldehyde, phenol, styrene. It settles in the respiratory system, accumulates in the body, and poisons the liver.

Cardiovascular, lung, and liver problems begin in a person who lives in a polystyrene space for months or years.

4. Concrete – now the entire building is made of concrete from head to foot. Abutments, main columns, main walls, stairs. Although concrete is a long-lasting, durable material, it can be said that it does not release air or oxygen.

Concrete block and slab houses with a metal frame are electromagnetic traps. People living in these houses experience nervousness, brain problems, fatigue, depression, insomnia.

There is no air in these houses, electromagnetic radiation accumulates. In modern buildings, due to these concrete mixtures, high radioactivity occurs. It makes a person sick over time, causes neurological and oncological diseases.

5. Slate – In fact, it seems harmless at first glance. But now, when making slate, more asbestos fibers are added to its composition. Over time, asbestos breaks down into microscopic particles that cannot be seen by the human eye. They fly in the air and settle in the eyes and respiratory tract and remain there. In warm weather, in winter, these particles multiply. Asbestos is the most toxic carcinogen in the world. If a person ingests these particles for years, bronchitis, asthma, benign and malignant tumors may develop in his respiratory tract.

6. Low-probe, cheap sealants and sealants – containing substances such as lead, cresol, xylene. After 6-8 months, as they are used, they disintegrate and are released into the air in the form of polyvinyl chloride, which has a negative effect on the nervous, urinary, and digestive systems of a person.

It is dangerous for babies and pregnant women.

Very cheap sealants can only be used outside the house.
Only expensive, standard, factory-made materials should be purchased for the interior of the house.

7. Washable and vinyl wallpapers (wall papers) – although vinyl papers do not contain any harmful substances, they are not breathable. Therefore, pathogenic fungi and mold often grow under these wallpapers. It is not necessary to work children’s rooms with vinyl papers.

Although low-quality washable wallpapers are comfortable, they release dangerous substances such as styrene and benzene. It is absolutely not allowed in the bedroom, children’s room. /

#Building #materials #destroy #human #health

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