Appeal to the Supreme Court for the appointment of the new senior lawyer of Congress

by time news

2023-11-04 12:45:20

Fernando Galindo, recently appointed senior lawyer of Congress, takes office with controversy. The Reconciliation and Historical Truth Association appealed his appointment to the Supreme Court yesterday, the same day that the Lower House Board gave its approval with the vote against the PP. The appellants base their claim on the fact that he has been a member of the acting Government (undersecretary of the Ministry of Territorial Policy) and an active member as a representative of the PSOE in the Madrid City Council.

In the opinion of the entity, for this position “a technical profile and absolute neutrality with respect to political parties is required”, circumstances that “evidently” do not occur in the newly appointed senior lawyer, “since he is in a situation of ineligibility for the role assigned to him as a favorable issuer of the mandatory legal report on the proposed Amnesty Law.”

The PP, for its part, considers it a “scandal” that Galindo has been chosen, since the new senior lawyer of Congress will be part of Pedro Sánchez’s strategy to sell the amnesty law agreed with the former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont.

In the opinion of the appellant association, the new senior lawyer of Congress is also “involved in a conflict of interest, according to articles 11 et seq. of Law 3/2015, of March 30, regulating the exercise of high office of the General Administration of the State, since the decision that is going to be adopted in relation to the report on the Amnesty Law would affect his personal interests, of an economic nature. and professional, because it represents an obvious benefit for him, since that is why he has been appointed to the position.”

Personal interests “would be structured through his political affiliation in the PSOE together with the high position held in the acting Government, both directly and maritally (his wife has also been a high official in the Ministry of Bolaños, the negotiator of the amnesty with ERC)”, say sources from the Association for Reconciliation and Historical Truth.

“Additionally”, in his appointment “there would have been serious violations of the constitutional rights of equality (article 14), merit and capacity (article 23.2) in access to public office under equal conditions, and of neutrality, division of powers , among others, contained in articles 1 and following of the Constitution.”

The “instrumentalization that this acting Government has carried out” in the appointment of the new senior lawyer of Congress “for the purposes of carrying out the Amnesty Law could mean in practice an effective loss of all its functions and guarantees,” they believe. from the recurring entity.

The association also hopes that the Supreme Court, “as head of the judicial structure of the Rule of Law in Spain, requires the executive and legislative powers to process the Amnesty Law through a bill, and thus avoid that goes through the irregular and fraudulent route of a bill, whose sole purpose is to speed up deadlines and illegally steal the mandatory legal reports in a bill, fraudulently replacing them” with the report of a “contaminated” senior lawyer like the recent one. named.

“It is precisely in these moments where the strength of the rule of law must be most noted,” the entity’s officials tell LA RAZÓN, who maintain that “if the case arises, they will promote more legal actions in the courts to put a stop to the “current situation of risk of institutional bankruptcy that Spain suffers.”

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