Francesco Le Foche, the attack a month ago: how is he?

by time news

2023-11-04 14:44:00

“I’m better. On Thursday I will have a small laser eye operation because there is a slight inflammation of the retina. An understandable situation considering that I had the bulb burst and three operations, of very high quality, in three days. I thank the colleagues for the way they took care of me.” Francesco Le Foche – a well-known Roman immunologist who was attacked in his office and ended up in intensive care last October 6 due to the beatings of a patient with a psychiatric diagnosis – tells Salute about his recovery and his desire to return to taking care of his clients . Retired since October at the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome, he explains, he will return to the department as an unpaid volunteer “for the particular cases in which I can help. For a doctor, his patients always remain a priority”.

On a physical level, fortunately Le Foche did not suffer any highly disabling damage, although there is still something to keep under control. “All things considered, my eyesight is fine – he continues – I will have to get a new lens but I have recovered a lot. The big risk was to lose my eye, luckily at the Policlinico Umberto I, the synergy of the university and hospital areas creates a ‘ cultural power that manages to have extraordinary results on a clinical level”.

The attack I suffered was a comedy of the absurd. I don’t want to think about it anymore. I didn’t even have time to be afraid because after the punch I received in the eye I lost consciousness and woke up in intensive care. But we have overcome it. The doctor must overcome the moment of crisis. He must do it for the patients. I have already experienced estrangement from my clients twice, one due to a road accident in 2015 and the other now. And what The most burdensome to me was taking time away from people who are ill. I treat serious pathologies and moving away from patients weighs on me”, he concludes.

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