American Cancer Society Urges Increased Lung Cancer Screening for Adults

by time news

More Adults Should Be Screened for Lung Cancer, American Cancer Society Says

In a new recommendation, the American Cancer Society (ACS) is calling for more adults to be screened for lung cancer. This recommendation comes as part of the ACS’s efforts to detect lung cancer at its earliest stages and increase survival rates.

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among both men and women in the United States. It is often diagnosed at a later stage when treatment options are limited. However, research has shown that screening can significantly improve outcomes.

Currently, the ACS recommends annual screenings for adults aged 55 to 74 years who have a history of heavy smoking. However, the new recommendation suggests expanding the screening criteria to include adults who have a lighter smoking history or those who have never smoked but have other risk factors, such as exposure to secondhand smoke or a family history of lung cancer.

“The evidence is clear that expanding the screening criteria will result in more lung cancer cases being diagnosed at an earlier stage, which ultimately leads to better treatment options and improved survival rates,” says Dr. John Johnson, a lung cancer specialist.

The recommendation is based on a review of recent studies that have shown the benefits of lung cancer screening in a broader population. These studies have found that increasing the eligibility criteria by including individuals with a lighter smoking history or other risk factors could help identify more cases of lung cancer at an early stage.

However, there are still some challenges to overcome in expanding lung cancer screening. One major concern is the potential for false-positive results, which can lead to unnecessary further testing and anxiety for patients. The ACS acknowledges this issue but emphasizes that the benefits of early detection outweigh the potential harms.

The recommendation also highlights the need for insurance coverage to ensure that more adults can access lung cancer screening. Currently, Medicare covers annual screenings for individuals who meet the current eligibility criteria. However, private insurance coverage varies, and many individuals may face cost barriers to getting screened.

Public health officials and lung cancer experts are urging healthcare providers and policymakers to take note of the ACS’s recommendation and work towards expanding coverage and access to screening for all adults at high risk of developing lung cancer.

Improving lung cancer screening rates and early detection is crucial in reducing the burden of this deadly disease. By implementing the ACS’s expanded screening recommendation and addressing the barriers to access, more lives can be saved through early detection and treatment.

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