Questions and answers about Israel and Palestine

by time news

2023-11-02 15:49:39

What is Zionism?

Zionism is a political movement. It emerged at the end of the 19th century. Its founder is the Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist Theodor Herzl. He argued that the problem of discrimination against Jews would only be solved if Jews had an exclusive state. Among the places proposed for colonization were Argentina, Uganda or Palestine.

Por: Soraya Misleh

Herzl and the World Zionist Organization (WSO) attempted to search for the leaders of the imperialist powers. On November 2, 1917, British imperialism pledged to allow the establishment of a Jewish National Home in the territory of Palestine. In other words, he assumed the commitment of the English colonial authority to allow Palestine, now colonized by them, to be used by the Zionists to settle new Jewish settlers there. But this would only be possible by expelling the existing Palestinian population. Zionism preached an “iron wall” between the Jews and the Arab inhabitants of Palestine, and no “mixture of blood” between them. Israel should be an openly racist state exclusively for Jews. Israeli historian Avi Shlaim reveals this in his book The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World (Fissus Editor, 2004). Another Israeli historian, Ilan Pappé, shows that Israel settled into colonization, racism and ethnic cleansing, massacring Palestinians and destroying their towns and cities (The ethnic cleansing of PalestinePublisher Sundermann).

What is anti-Zionism?

It is to oppose the Zionist colonial political project and its ethnic cleansing, racism and apartheid –as recognized even by the Israeli human rights organizations BT’Selem and the international ones Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. It is to oppose the crimes against humanity committed by Israel. The Palestinian cause synthesizes the struggles against oppression and exploitation in any part of the world, it is the cause for national liberation from the yoke of the colonizer. What’s racist about that? Nothing. If you are in favor of fighting this, you are anti-Zionist.

Is criticizing Israel a prejudice against Jews?

The State of Israel is the product of an imperialist initiative to establish a fortress, with nuclear weapons, in a region with the largest oil deposits in the world. But anyone who criticizes Israel will be called anti-Semitic (prejudice toward Semites, including Jews) by its defenders. But this is a blatant lie. The greatest proof of this is that there are thousands of Jews around the world who criticize Israel and Zionism. An example is the organization “Jewish Voices for Peace”, which occupied the Capitol, the United States Congress, on October 18, to demand a ceasefire. Thousands of protesters of Jewish origin have joined the demand for an end to the bombings of Gaza in demonstrations around the world. In truth, criticism of Israel goes against its project of Zionist colonial domination over the Palestinians. “Hamas’ violence against Israelis is not because they are Jews, but because they are settlers protected by a State that oppresses and subjugates Palestinians because they are Palestinians,” Bruno Huberman, anti-Zionist Jew, professor, explained on Twitter. of international relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP).

Are Palestinians terrorists?

The audacity and political importance of Hamas’s action caused the bourgeois press to present the Palestinians as “terrorists” and Israel’s reaction as “legitimate defense.” But any people under occupation have the right to resist using all means, including armed resistance. Palestine has been occupied for more than 75 years, in a Nakba [catástrofe] continues, which for the Palestinians is a permanent military confrontation. Any action by the Palestinians is one of defense and resistance against the occupation. It is an action of any people that seeks to live freely, in a dignified manner and for the right to return to their land. In the past, others rose up against colonialism and were called “terrorists.” The people of Algeria in the fight against French colonial domination in the sixties; the people of Vietnam fighting against the American invasion; the black people of South Africa and their leaders such as Nelson Mandela and Steve Biko, who fought against apartheid . History has already shown it: imperialism and its butcher allies like the State of Israel are terrorists!

Also read: Evangelicals and the State of Israelon this same site (

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Translation: Natalia Estrada.

#Questions #answers #Israel #Palestine

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